More @ Times of India
Air pollution is a growing problem in most cities (big and small). The "Daily Dose" aims to disseminate the best available information on air pollution and engage in discussions to better understand the process of air quality management. For more details on the program, please visit
Thursday, December 31, 2015
On Average, Everyday, 15% (~500) Buses are Not Utilized in Delhi
Even as the city grapples with the extra strain on public transport during the odd-even days, at least 400 to 500 buses lie unutilised at depots at any given point. The reasons range from poor maintenance to missed trips. This is, at times, equal to the total bus fleet in some of the smaller cities. According to an analysis by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), the number of passengers availing the DTC bus service is stagnating. If DTC were to utilise its entire fleet, complete all scheduled trips and eliminate missed trips, it can carry at least 25 lakh additional passengers daily. More @ Times of India
Air Pollution in Delhi,
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Delhi Government Initiatives.... Exemptions to Odd/Even Rule from January 1st, 2016
Delhi announced the Odd/Even restrictions to control pollution between January 1st, 2016 and January 15th, 2016. Here is the list of exemptions listed @ Times of India
- CNG vehicles
- 2-wheelers
- Cars driven by women and those carrying the differently-abled
- Cars being accompanied by children up to the age of 12
- Cars being driven in case of medical emergencies would be treated on "basis of trust"
- VIP vehicles
- Vehicles bearing defence ministry number plates
- Vehicles bearing Special Protection Group protectees (SPG)
- Emergency and enforcement vehicles such as ambulances, fire brigade, police vehicles, transport department
Violators would attract a penalty of Rs 2,000
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Delhi Government Initiatives....600 of the Quoted 6000 Buses Acquired for the Odd/Even Experiment
The government’s plan to ply 6,000 private buses during the implementation of the odd-even policy has, so far, generated little response from the intended participants. A little over 600 private buses, or one-tenth of what Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced, have turned up for the odd-even initiative that aims to battle pollution. What’s more, the government has had to issue a circular to schools to offer their buses for the drive.
Read more @ Indian Express
We estimated the need for 13,000 buses for a smooth transition and operations during this experiment.
A Year in the Life of Earth's CO2 (NASA)
CO2 Emissions,
Monday, December 21, 2015
Kathmandu Choking
Kathmandu to Thrashmandu !!
“We are already overwhelmed with the programmes to implement and with limited human resources and funds, we are unable to priortise our activities,” he added. Various independent researches carried out at different intervals have stated that Kathmandu residents are already “choking”.
Air Pollution in Kathmandu
What is a Diesel Particle Filter (DPF)?
A diesel particulate filter (or DPF) is a device designed to remove diesel particulate matter or soot from the exhaust gas of a diesel engine. In Europe, the exhaust emissions standards for new cars have effectively required fitment of a DPF in the exhaust of all diesel cars since 2009, when the 'Euro 5' standard came into force. In fact, many cars registered before 2009 will have had one fitted too in anticipation of the change in standards. Standards aim to deliver an 80% reduction in diesel particulate (soot) emissions.
Can India adapt DPF's to control PM pollution from diesel vehicles?
An analysis was presented as part of the India-California Air Quality Management (ICAMP) program assessment report.
Can India adapt DPF's to control PM pollution from diesel vehicles?
An analysis was presented as part of the India-California Air Quality Management (ICAMP) program assessment report.
Road Ministry of India Proposes to Scrap all Trucks and Buses More Than 8 Years Old
Number of PM2.5 Monitors in China
China has gone from having monitors for small airborne particulate matter in only 47 cities in 2002 to monitors in 367 cities in 2015. This year, China also revised its air crisis policy, originally announced in 2013. It requires officials to raise the red alert whenever the air quality index is forecast to rise above 200 for 72 straight hours. The red alert allows for the suspension of industrial production and vehicle use. Read more NY Times
Friday, December 18, 2015
Monitor Your Air Quality - India Spend Breathe Program
India's first independent, streaming air quality monitoring network built on low cost devices.
Now operational in Delhi and Mumbai.
Now operational in Delhi and Mumbai.
Comparing Public Transport in Delhi, Bengaluru, and Chennai
In its efforts to get people off private transport and check air pollution, Delhi wants to increase the contribution of its public bus service. But the entity that operates this service, the Delhi Transport Corporation, is the worst-performing of the five city bus services in India whose fleet size exceeds 1,000. And it’s not the availability of buses or revenues that is killing DTC. It is fleet and cost management—areas in which it could learn a thing or two from its peers in Bengaluru and Chennai.
More @ Live Mint
More @ Live Mint
Air Pollution in Delhi,
Public Transport
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Particulate Matter Pollution in Delhi - 2012 to 2014 (Average of DPCC sites)
In Gurgaon, Nearly 100,000 Suffer from Shortness of Breath Everyday
Authorities in the National Capital Region (NCR), despite various formulas like car-free day and the proposed odd-even formula have not been able to check the rising air pollution in the region leaving several people's lungs affected. Over one lakh cases of asthma and various other respiratory diseases emerged in Gurgaon from January to October 2015. These include over 53,000 cases registered in the out-patient department of the city civil hospital alone. Besides this, around 46,000 patients, who were suffering respiratory ailments, consulted different private hospitals.
More @ India Today
An alarming five per cent of the city's 20 lakh population suffers from shortness of breath, below par lung capacity and obstructive airway diseases like asthma. The quality of air in the Millennium City has deteriorated owing to the huge volume of vehicular movement and large number of industrial units that release toxic effluents into the air leading to a variety of respiration-related ailments. According to available data, in 2014, there were 26,149 respiratory patients who came to the civil hospital and this number rose sharply in the past 10 months to 27,291. There was a 25 per cent rise in the number of such patients in private hospitals.
"It has been observed that there is a 20 per cent increase of respiratory patients in last two months and with winter setting in and the fog intensifying, the frequency of patients is expected to rise in the next 40 days," said Kanta Goyal, PMO of Gurgaon civil hospital. She added that people will have to avoid morning walks as the quantity of smoke is much higher during the time in winters.
Air pollution or traffic-related air pollution and indoor air pollution caused by passive smoking and biomass fuel combustion is associated with the development of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The situation is particularly bad in NCR, where the recent pollution levels have been reported to be much higher than the acceptable limits on most days of the year, sometimes as high as 35 times the normal limits.
Though, the Gurgaon civil hospital is generally frequented by patients belonging to the lower income group and labourers for respiratory problems, the situation in people of the elite class is not different.
More @ India Today
An alarming five per cent of the city's 20 lakh population suffers from shortness of breath, below par lung capacity and obstructive airway diseases like asthma. The quality of air in the Millennium City has deteriorated owing to the huge volume of vehicular movement and large number of industrial units that release toxic effluents into the air leading to a variety of respiration-related ailments. According to available data, in 2014, there were 26,149 respiratory patients who came to the civil hospital and this number rose sharply in the past 10 months to 27,291. There was a 25 per cent rise in the number of such patients in private hospitals.
"It has been observed that there is a 20 per cent increase of respiratory patients in last two months and with winter setting in and the fog intensifying, the frequency of patients is expected to rise in the next 40 days," said Kanta Goyal, PMO of Gurgaon civil hospital. She added that people will have to avoid morning walks as the quantity of smoke is much higher during the time in winters.
Air pollution or traffic-related air pollution and indoor air pollution caused by passive smoking and biomass fuel combustion is associated with the development of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The situation is particularly bad in NCR, where the recent pollution levels have been reported to be much higher than the acceptable limits on most days of the year, sometimes as high as 35 times the normal limits.
Though, the Gurgaon civil hospital is generally frequented by patients belonging to the lower income group and labourers for respiratory problems, the situation in people of the elite class is not different.
Real Time Air Quality Data Archive
For a copy of archived (since 2013) hourly monitoring data from Delhi's DPCC stations, visit
Air Pollution Monitoring
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Cheapest Parking Space is in Mumbai and Delhi
Parking Policy,
Transport Policy
Infographic - Restricting Vehicle Movement for Better Air Quality in Delhi
CSE's Body Burden 2015 Report
Air pollution is one of the top 10 killers in the world and is the fifth leading cause of death in India. It results in about 620,000 premature deaths which are caused by stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ischemic heart disease, lower respiratory infections and trachea, bronchus and lung cancer, among others. The report highlights the heightened vulnerability of the poor. It calls for stringent actions on air pollution.
The report has gone into areas such as vehicular pollution, industrial pollution, polluting cook stoves that cause indoor pollution, and related issues. The report states: “Death toll due to uncontrolled air pollution-related illnesses alone has increased worldwide by a whopping 300 per cent in the last decade: from 800,000 in year 2000 to 3.2 million in 2012… In Delhi, which was named as the most polluted city of the world by WHO in 2014, air pollution is responsible for 10,000 to 30,000 annual deaths.”
“The way forward would be to reduce the source of air pollution—mainly revamping our transportation systems and forcing the industry to come up with cleaner technologies. But people are not aware of these linkages and continue to junk public transport,” said Narain.
The report has gone into areas such as vehicular pollution, industrial pollution, polluting cook stoves that cause indoor pollution, and related issues. The report states: “Death toll due to uncontrolled air pollution-related illnesses alone has increased worldwide by a whopping 300 per cent in the last decade: from 800,000 in year 2000 to 3.2 million in 2012… In Delhi, which was named as the most polluted city of the world by WHO in 2014, air pollution is responsible for 10,000 to 30,000 annual deaths.”
“The way forward would be to reduce the source of air pollution—mainly revamping our transportation systems and forcing the industry to come up with cleaner technologies. But people are not aware of these linkages and continue to junk public transport,” said Narain.
Sucking Pollution for Better Air Quality... Is that Really Possible?
Monday, December 14, 2015
Fighting Climate and Air Pollution Together
Actions to help climate change do not always help air pollution. One conflict area is wood heating. This is becoming increasingly popular across Europe as a low carbon fuel but it produces a lot of air pollution. This is especially true of open fires where most of the heat is wasted too. Modern stoves and wood chip burners perform better but it is difficult for any wood burner to match the low pollution from gas heating.
Article from the Guardian
Diesels cars are sold, and taxed, on the basis of lower carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions when compared with petrol cars. But diesel car owners are not getting the fuel economy shown in tests. This means more CO2 than expected, and diesels also produce sooty sunlight-absorbing exhaust. We are paying a huge public health cost for the diesel cars in Europe and it is unclear if they are helping climate change at all.
Improved energy efficiency helps climate, air pollution and fuel poverty. Swapping car trips for public transport, walking or cycling works well and also produces massive health benefits from increased every-day exercise. Coal, heavy and unconventional oils are worst-case fuels for both air pollution and climate, due to carbon intensity and black carbon soot particles. Renewable energy and smart grids are therefore win-wins. Methane from agriculture, landfills, coal mines, gas leaks and fracking isoverlooked as a climate-warming gas and for the dangerous ground-level ozone that it creates.
Post Paris, we have a great opportunity to control climate change and reduce the global health burden from air pollution, but only if the right choices are made.
Article from the Guardian
Diesels cars are sold, and taxed, on the basis of lower carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions when compared with petrol cars. But diesel car owners are not getting the fuel economy shown in tests. This means more CO2 than expected, and diesels also produce sooty sunlight-absorbing exhaust. We are paying a huge public health cost for the diesel cars in Europe and it is unclear if they are helping climate change at all.
Improved energy efficiency helps climate, air pollution and fuel poverty. Swapping car trips for public transport, walking or cycling works well and also produces massive health benefits from increased every-day exercise. Coal, heavy and unconventional oils are worst-case fuels for both air pollution and climate, due to carbon intensity and black carbon soot particles. Renewable energy and smart grids are therefore win-wins. Methane from agriculture, landfills, coal mines, gas leaks and fracking isoverlooked as a climate-warming gas and for the dangerous ground-level ozone that it creates.
Post Paris, we have a great opportunity to control climate change and reduce the global health burden from air pollution, but only if the right choices are made.
CO2 Emissions,
Particulate Pollution
Car Restrictions in Mexico City and Bogota
Interview with Dr. Lucas Davis, Associate Professor at the Haas School of Business at the University of California-Berkeley, on Reuters
Vehicle restrictions were first introduced in Bogota in 1998. Here, 40 per cent of private vehicles were prevented from operating in the city each day between 7 and 9 am and between 5.30 and 7.30 pm. Vehicles having any of four digits as the last digit of their number plate are restricted each day. Over the years, the programme has helped significantly reduce peak-hour congestion in Bogota. While congestion has reportedly worsened in the hours before and after the restriction period, peak-hour travel times have reduced by 40-50 per cent and car users have managed to change their schedules, organise car pools or use taxis. The reason Bogota succeeded where Mexico City struggled was that the initiative in Bogota was accompanied with implementation of the bus rapid transit (BRT) and cycling infrastructure. This ensured that public transport was boosted to deal with the added influx of people and did not choke with the additional pressure.
Read more @ Indian Express - Delhi's Pollution Diet
Impact of Bus and Rickshaw Strike in Delhi
This was observed on April 30th, 2015. Below is the variation in daily PM2.5 concentrations at one of the monitoring sites in Delhi. More news on NDTV
One conclusion is that the role of bus and rickshaw emissions on ambient air quality is small.
One conclusion is that the role of bus and rickshaw emissions on ambient air quality is small.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Car Sharing Increasing in Chinese Cities
Car-sharing has been one of the most attention-grabbing trends in urban transport in recent years, as commercial car-sharing clubs like Autolib' in Paris have taken off. But the habit has yet to catch on in Chinese cities.
Yet that may be set to change, as efforts to control toxic air quality have spawned increasingly-restrictive number plate lotteries, no-driving days, and higher parking fees to tackle gridlock and pollution. The steady increase in such measures could make car-sharing more appealing and commonplace in China.
Greater use of car-sharing could also help to popularise electric vehicles (known as EVs) if car-sharing companies choose them for their vehicle fleets, as has happened in Paris. So far, battery-operated cars have struggled to attract significant numbers of buyers in China, the world’s biggest car market, partly because of lack of charging stations and preferences for cheaper, petrol-fuelled models.
Hangzhou, south of Shanghai, is arguably China's most progressive city in terms of experimenting with car-sharing; it has five competing companies where the cost of car-sharing is US$3.25 per hour, more than a taxi, but giving greater comfort and mobility, as well as cutting down on the waiting time to hail a cab at busy times of day. Hangzhou's city government wants to see 100,000 car-sharing vehicles on its roads by 2018.
Read more @ China Dialogue
Yet that may be set to change, as efforts to control toxic air quality have spawned increasingly-restrictive number plate lotteries, no-driving days, and higher parking fees to tackle gridlock and pollution. The steady increase in such measures could make car-sharing more appealing and commonplace in China.
Greater use of car-sharing could also help to popularise electric vehicles (known as EVs) if car-sharing companies choose them for their vehicle fleets, as has happened in Paris. So far, battery-operated cars have struggled to attract significant numbers of buyers in China, the world’s biggest car market, partly because of lack of charging stations and preferences for cheaper, petrol-fuelled models.
Hangzhou, south of Shanghai, is arguably China's most progressive city in terms of experimenting with car-sharing; it has five competing companies where the cost of car-sharing is US$3.25 per hour, more than a taxi, but giving greater comfort and mobility, as well as cutting down on the waiting time to hail a cab at busy times of day. Hangzhou's city government wants to see 100,000 car-sharing vehicles on its roads by 2018.
Read more @ China Dialogue
NGT says, HELP the Farmers in Punjab to Dispose Agricultural Waste Cleanly
Pollution levels in the national capital has seen an upswing with the onset of winter that also sees weak winds. This means that particulate matter in the air lingers for much longer. Burning of crop stubble is seen as a major contributor to Delhi’s pollution woes. Punjab farmers, reportedly, burn almost 15 metric tonnes of paddy straw every year. The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed the Punjab government to ensure that agricultural residue is not burnt and help farmers with machinery and mechanism to dispose the waste materials without polluting the environment.
![]() |
Open fire emissions estimated based from area burnt (satellite data) on a daily basis |
NGT Chairperson Justice Swatanter Kumar in his order (a copy of which is with The Indian Express) said that equipment should be provided free of cost to small farmers having less than 2 acres. For farmers having less than five acres but more than two acres, the price should be Rs 5000 and for the rest, it to be Rs 15,000, the order added.
“Farmers must be educated of how crop residue burning is injurious to human health, causes serious air pollution and is now banned or prohibited by law. They shall also be educated that the agriculture residue can be extracted and utilised for various purposes including manufacturing of boards, fodder, rough paper manufacturing and as a raw material for power generation etc,” mentioned in the NGT order.
Read more @ Indian Express
Saturday, December 12, 2015
NGT says STOP Registering Diesel Vehicles in NCT
Irked with the Centre and the Delhi government for seeking more time to address the issue of phasing out diesel vehicles, the National Green Tribunal Friday directed that no diesel vehicles be registered in the capital till January 6. “In view of the serious contribution of vehicular pollution to the air quality of NCT, Delhi, it is important that the government should take a serious view and a decision (on) whether any vehicle — particularly diesel vehicle (old or new) — should be registered… As an interim measure till next date of posting subject to hearing of all concerned parties, we direct that diesel vehicles of more than 10 years of age as already directed, as well as new diesel vehicles, would not be registered in NCT, Delhi,” directed the bench headed by Justice Swatanter Kumar.
Read more @ Indian Express
Air Pollution in Delhi (BBC)
Air Pollution in Delhi
Friday, December 11, 2015
Delhi Government to Launch 4000 Additional Buses in January 1st, 2016
In the wake of restricted private vehicle movement, 4000 buses will be pressed into service by the state government, as part of its efforts to strengthen the public transport, beginning 2016, when the odd-even scheme for plying of cars and bikes comes into force. The Delhi government has tied up with the Delhi Contract Bus Association (DCBA), an apex body of contract carriage and tourist bus operators in Delhi. Read more @ Business Today
Our estimate is 13,000 additional buses for a smooth transition.
Viewing Pollution from a Hot Air Balloon in Paris
The air quality is officially “good”, 400ft above Paris in a balloon at rush hour. From that height you can see the ring road and many of the city’s 37 bridges blocked with traffic, the commuting trains coming in, and – on the first cold day of winter – water vapour rising from several power stations as thousands of central heating systems fire up. A yellowish haze has formed on the horizon as air pressure builds, but the pollution from Paris’s transport, construction sites and power stations is minimal compared to that of Beijing or New Delhi at this time of year.
Paris measures its air pollution from 20 official sites, one of which is a large helium-filled balloon tethered to the ground with a small measuring device strapped to its base. At 9am at ground level, it registers 66,500 particles in a single litre of air; 400ft up, however, it reads 78,000. The most it has recorded is more than 6m in November 2013 when the city’s fumes were trapped for days in a particular weather pattern.
Read more @ the Guardian
Still a Lot to Learn About India’s Deadly Air Pollution
What exactly is the relationship between exposure to air pollution and its effect on human health? How much cleaner would the air have to be to reduce the health burden of dirty air? Can cities be designed so as to minimize the flow of air pollution? More @ EIN News
There is still a lot that scientists don’t know about air pollution, but the severe pollution common in much of India offers scientists an opportunity to better understand its causes and effects. The Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory researcher Josh Apte is developing some unique approaches to studying air pollution in India and hopes to apply what he learns to developing global strategies for combating it.
Nature of Air Pollution, Sources, and Management in Indian Cities.
Although India uses the same air monitoring techniques that are standard throughout the world to measure ambient air pollution in major cities, such techniques don’t give residents or scientists enough actionable information, in Apte’s judgment. “A big limitation with ambient monitoring is it doesn’t tell you what people actually breathe,” he said. “It gives you some indication of the overall level of air pollution in a city, but it doesn’t tell you where the hot spots are, and it doesn’t tell you the locations where people are getting the bulk of air pollution exposure.”
Air pollution is the number five risk factor for premature death in India, causing three times as many deaths as AIDS and malaria combined. “One thing we can say with quite a bit of certainty is that air pollution is a major risk for premature death in India,” Apte said. “Air pollution now kills more people than poor water and sanitation, which historically has been a major cause of death in India.”
Specifically, the pollutant that is most harmful to human health is fine particulate matter, or PM2.5, for particles that are less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter. These particles are not visible to the naked eye and can be inhaled deeply into the lungs. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency considers an annual average concentration in excess of 12 micrograms per cubic meter of PM2.5 to be a health concern, whereas average annual levels in India are on the order of 50 to 150 micrograms per cubic meter, according to Apte.
The primary sources of PM2.5 in India are similar to those of other countries—vehicle tailpipes, power plants, and certain industrial processes. Indian cities and rural areas also have significant unregulated sources, including brick kilns, diesel backup generators, trash burning, and wood-burning cookstoves.
To better measure the types and levels of pollutants that people are breathing, Apte hired an auto-rickshaw and drove it around the roads and highways of New Delhi for four months. The vehicle was outfitted with sensors placed at face height to more precisely measure what a person would inhale. He took two- to three-hour trips every day during the morning and evening rush hours.
Apte collected more than 200 hours of real-time measurements of three types of pollutants: PM2.5, black carbon, and ultrafine particles. “The levels of air pollution are truly astounding,” he said. “These are some of the highest levels of air pollution that have ever been measured in traffic anywhere in the world.”
Concentrations of PM2.5 were 50 percent higher on the road than in the ambient air. Concentrations of black carbon and ultrafine particles were 3.6 and 8.4 times higher, respectively. Videos he made while driving through traffic clearly show how a large polluting truck passing by can immediately cause sensors to spike. “Fifty percent is a big increase when you consider that the baseline is already very high,” he said.
The results from the auto-rickshaw study were previously published in Atmospheric Environment. Since then he and other Berkeley Lab researchers have been working on creating a global map showing mortality caused by ambient air pollution and what happens to mortality rates when air pollution is dramatically reduced. “If we have the goal of ultimately removing the burden of disease from ambient air pollution, we need to know how much cleaner we will need to be and what areas of world should be areas of focus,” Apte said.
Eventually he hopes to have a real-time map of pollution in Indian cities to decipher how spatial patterns of air pollution vary around cities. “There’s a lot we don’t know when just looking at air pollution at single points of space,” he said.
Real time air quality index for Delhi
Apte believes that understanding how urban form is related to air pollution can be a promising way to ultimately design cities of the future to minimize both sources of air pollution and exposure to it. “If we can engineer strategies for ‘smart cities’ to protect public health, I think it’s a tremendous opportunity when we think about the growing cities in Asia,” he said.
Apte’s work has been supported by a Fulbright-Nehru fellowship to India from the US-India Educational Foundation, a US EPA STAR graduate research fellowship, and an ITRI-Rosenfeld Postdoctoral Fellowship from Berkeley Lab’s Environmental Energy Technologies Division.
There is still a lot that scientists don’t know about air pollution, but the severe pollution common in much of India offers scientists an opportunity to better understand its causes and effects. The Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory researcher Josh Apte is developing some unique approaches to studying air pollution in India and hopes to apply what he learns to developing global strategies for combating it.
Nature of Air Pollution, Sources, and Management in Indian Cities.
Although India uses the same air monitoring techniques that are standard throughout the world to measure ambient air pollution in major cities, such techniques don’t give residents or scientists enough actionable information, in Apte’s judgment. “A big limitation with ambient monitoring is it doesn’t tell you what people actually breathe,” he said. “It gives you some indication of the overall level of air pollution in a city, but it doesn’t tell you where the hot spots are, and it doesn’t tell you the locations where people are getting the bulk of air pollution exposure.”
Air pollution is the number five risk factor for premature death in India, causing three times as many deaths as AIDS and malaria combined. “One thing we can say with quite a bit of certainty is that air pollution is a major risk for premature death in India,” Apte said. “Air pollution now kills more people than poor water and sanitation, which historically has been a major cause of death in India.”
Specifically, the pollutant that is most harmful to human health is fine particulate matter, or PM2.5, for particles that are less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter. These particles are not visible to the naked eye and can be inhaled deeply into the lungs. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency considers an annual average concentration in excess of 12 micrograms per cubic meter of PM2.5 to be a health concern, whereas average annual levels in India are on the order of 50 to 150 micrograms per cubic meter, according to Apte.
The primary sources of PM2.5 in India are similar to those of other countries—vehicle tailpipes, power plants, and certain industrial processes. Indian cities and rural areas also have significant unregulated sources, including brick kilns, diesel backup generators, trash burning, and wood-burning cookstoves.
To better measure the types and levels of pollutants that people are breathing, Apte hired an auto-rickshaw and drove it around the roads and highways of New Delhi for four months. The vehicle was outfitted with sensors placed at face height to more precisely measure what a person would inhale. He took two- to three-hour trips every day during the morning and evening rush hours.
Apte collected more than 200 hours of real-time measurements of three types of pollutants: PM2.5, black carbon, and ultrafine particles. “The levels of air pollution are truly astounding,” he said. “These are some of the highest levels of air pollution that have ever been measured in traffic anywhere in the world.”
Concentrations of PM2.5 were 50 percent higher on the road than in the ambient air. Concentrations of black carbon and ultrafine particles were 3.6 and 8.4 times higher, respectively. Videos he made while driving through traffic clearly show how a large polluting truck passing by can immediately cause sensors to spike. “Fifty percent is a big increase when you consider that the baseline is already very high,” he said.
The results from the auto-rickshaw study were previously published in Atmospheric Environment. Since then he and other Berkeley Lab researchers have been working on creating a global map showing mortality caused by ambient air pollution and what happens to mortality rates when air pollution is dramatically reduced. “If we have the goal of ultimately removing the burden of disease from ambient air pollution, we need to know how much cleaner we will need to be and what areas of world should be areas of focus,” Apte said.
Eventually he hopes to have a real-time map of pollution in Indian cities to decipher how spatial patterns of air pollution vary around cities. “There’s a lot we don’t know when just looking at air pollution at single points of space,” he said.
Real time air quality index for Delhi
Apte believes that understanding how urban form is related to air pollution can be a promising way to ultimately design cities of the future to minimize both sources of air pollution and exposure to it. “If we can engineer strategies for ‘smart cities’ to protect public health, I think it’s a tremendous opportunity when we think about the growing cities in Asia,” he said.
Apte’s work has been supported by a Fulbright-Nehru fellowship to India from the US-India Educational Foundation, a US EPA STAR graduate research fellowship, and an ITRI-Rosenfeld Postdoctoral Fellowship from Berkeley Lab’s Environmental Energy Technologies Division.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Bonus for Controlling Emissions @ Coal Power Plants in China
Getting China's cash-strapped coal-fired power industry to comply with tough emissions rules and tackle choking smog that has recently blanketed the capital and other major cities will take incentives as well as fines.
In a change in tack after years of fining rule-breaking firms, the government said on Wednesday it will pay bonuses from Jan. 1 to those meeting coal efficiency standards. The measures reflect increasing pressure on the world's biggest consumer of energy as leaders meet in Paris to hammer out a global climate deal and a new push to encourage companies to invest in clean, efficient technology to curb air pollution. "It will help to cut coal use and emissions from the sector. And some outdated facilities will be phased out that will ease the power oversupply," said Lin Boqiang, energy researcher with Xiamen University.
Plants that open after Jan. 1 and meet the government's environmental requirements will get an 0.005 yuan per kilowatt hour on top of the basic grid tariff. Those already in operation will get an extra 0.01 yuan per kilowatt hour, which would equate to about 42 million yuan ($6.5 million) if all thermal power output last year had been produced at plants meeting the coal efficiency standards. The higher tariffs will take effect in January and last until the end of 2017, when the government will reassess the rate, the NDRC said.
Read more @ Reuters
In a change in tack after years of fining rule-breaking firms, the government said on Wednesday it will pay bonuses from Jan. 1 to those meeting coal efficiency standards. The measures reflect increasing pressure on the world's biggest consumer of energy as leaders meet in Paris to hammer out a global climate deal and a new push to encourage companies to invest in clean, efficient technology to curb air pollution. "It will help to cut coal use and emissions from the sector. And some outdated facilities will be phased out that will ease the power oversupply," said Lin Boqiang, energy researcher with Xiamen University.
Plants that open after Jan. 1 and meet the government's environmental requirements will get an 0.005 yuan per kilowatt hour on top of the basic grid tariff. Those already in operation will get an extra 0.01 yuan per kilowatt hour, which would equate to about 42 million yuan ($6.5 million) if all thermal power output last year had been produced at plants meeting the coal efficiency standards. The higher tariffs will take effect in January and last until the end of 2017, when the government will reassess the rate, the NDRC said.
Read more @ Reuters
Infographic - Coal and Gas based Thermal Power Plants in the Greater Delhi Region
Controlling Ship Emissions
The shipping industry is not only a major contributor to the air pollution choking many port cities, but also, as explained in a front page article in today's New York Times, one of the fastest growing sources of transport greenhouse gas emissions.Shipping is currently responsible for almost 3 percent of global CO2 emissions and over 2 percent of global black carbon emissions, the second most potent climate pollutant behind CO2. Shipping emissions are predicted to grow by 50% to 250% by 2050 depending on future economic and energy developments. A new study by a European Parliament research committee found that shipping could be responsible for 17% of global CO2 emissions in 2050 if left unregulated. In Paris the European Union, the Danish Shipowners Association and many environmental NGOs are calling for an international climate agreement that includes an ambitious CO2 emission reduction goal for the shipping sector in order to help keep warming below dangerous levels. Others are calling for fast action to regulate black carbon and other short-lived but very harmful climate pollutants. Read more @ Huffington Post
CO2 Emissions,
Sulfur Emissions
Wednesday, December 09, 2015
Infographic - 13,000 Additional Buses Required to Comfortably Transition to Odd/Even Rule in Delhi
Saturday, December 05, 2015
Banning Odd and Even Numbered Vehicles in Delhi for Better Air Quality
Lets be clear that this is a good idea, but an implementation nightmare, if checks and alternate options are not put in place by January 1st, 2016.
When we talk of emissions from road transport, we are looking at three contributing factors
When we talk of emissions from road transport, we are looking at three contributing factors
1. number of vehicles (NV)
2. number of vehicle km traveled (in a day or year) (VKT)
3. emission rates per vehicle (EF)
The odd/even rule comes under (1) - cutting the number of vehicles on the road. You cut 50% of the vehicles, you get 50% of reduction in the emissions, assuming that the other two parameters are not changing. But, it is likely that (2) will go up. On a day odd car is banned, the even car could be doing double the number of km, which could bring the reductions back to zero. The best seal proof option is (3). You introduce better fuel, the overall fleet emission rate improves, and achieve complimenting emission and pollution reductions.
This is not to say that technology is the only or the main option. We do need a change in the on-road travel behavior. We want sustained emission and pollution reductions in the city. We need people to not use their car or motorcycle and instead walk, cycle, or go by bus - assuming that all these facilities are in place, to accommodate the transition.
This is not to say that technology is the only or the main option. We do need a change in the on-road travel behavior. We want sustained emission and pollution reductions in the city. We need people to not use their car or motorcycle and instead walk, cycle, or go by bus - assuming that all these facilities are in place, to accommodate the transition.
So, in numbers
50% reduction in NV, 0% change in VKT, 0% change in EF = 50% reduction in emissions
50% reduction in NV, 100% increase in VKT, 0% change EF = 0% change in emissions
50% reduction in NV, 0% change in VKT, 50% reduction in EF = 75% reduction in emissions
50% reduction in NV, 50% reduction in VKT, 50% reduction in EF = 87.5% reduction in emissions
I hope that this rule applies to all the vehicles - cars, motorcycles, light duty trucks, and heavy duty trucks. Otherwise, exceptions (I am sure there will be) will only cut into any possible benefits.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Supreme Court Plea to Ban Fireworks during Diwali in Indian Cities
A complete ban on firecrackers during Diwali will not be imposed, the Supreme Court said today, rejecting a plea filed over concerns of increasing air pollution in India's major cities. Reiterating its 2005 ruling that allows bursting crackers between 6 am and 10 pm, the Court asked the government to publish ads warning about the harm from crackers. Pulling up the Centre for failing to publish advertisements from October 16, the court directed the government to run the ads from October 31 to November 12. Diwali falls on November 11 this year. More @ NDTV
In a plea filed in the name of three toddlers by their parents, the petitioners sought a restriction on bursting firecrackers in the morning and also argued there should be a designated place for nursting crackers. However, turning the plea down, the Supreme Court said, "Everyone wants to burst crackers in front of their houses and they can say it is their right. Can we ask them to go to Nehru Maidan to burst crackers. We can't do that."
A fringe group and a cracker manufacturers' association had moved the Supreme Court, opposing the ban on crackers during Diwali, contending that it would affect the Hindu tradition and hurt religious sentiments. The Centre has also indirectly supported them, saying bursting of crackers during Diwali is not the only cause for air pollution. In its petition, the fringe group from Tamil Nadu's Sivakasi said fireworks are a means of celebrations across the world. "Crackers are burnt during Diwali, Independence Day, New Year, Christmas, victories in games and elections, marriages etc. These celebrations cannot be thwarted by unfair restrictions," it said. Pointing to the Rs. 1,000 crore turnover of the industry, the Cracker Manufacturers' Association said it provides direct employment to over 3 lakh people and indirect employment to 10 lakh. "Any adverse direction against the use of crackers during Diwali will have a disastrous effect on the entire fireworks industry and on the livelihood of lakhs of people," the petition read.
Friday, October 09, 2015
It Will Take 9 Years to Clean Taj Mahal
Years of air pollution have stained India's Taj Mahal, turning its once-white marble facade into an unsightly yellow. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is using a 'mudpack therapy' to clean the pollution -- but the project will be a lengthy one, with the Times of India reporting it could take up to nine years to complete. Once finished, the process will have to be repeated every 6-7 years if pollution in the area remains at the same level. The cleaning of the interior has not been included in the plan.
In late 2014, researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of Wisconsin, the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur and the Archaeological Survey of India teamed up to analyze the effects of pollution on the Taj Mahal. "Our team was able to show that the pollutants discolouring the Taj Mahal are particulate matter: carbon from burning biomass and refuse, fossil fuels, and dust - possibly from agriculture and road traffic," Michael Bergin, a professor in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, says in a statement. According to the BBC, pollution from a nearby oil refinery in the nearby city of Agra is exacerbating the situation.
Read more @ Weather Network
In late 2014, researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of Wisconsin, the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur and the Archaeological Survey of India teamed up to analyze the effects of pollution on the Taj Mahal. "Our team was able to show that the pollutants discolouring the Taj Mahal are particulate matter: carbon from burning biomass and refuse, fossil fuels, and dust - possibly from agriculture and road traffic," Michael Bergin, a professor in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, says in a statement. According to the BBC, pollution from a nearby oil refinery in the nearby city of Agra is exacerbating the situation.
Read more @ Weather Network
Wednesday, October 07, 2015
More Than 80,000 Trucks Passing Through Delhi Everyday (CSE)
Massive numbers of commercial vehicles entering and leaving Delhi: On a daily basis, some 38,588 commercial vehicles (excluding taxis) enter Delhi only from the nine locations. If this is extrapolated to the 127 entry points, then a total of 52,146 commercial vehicles (excluding taxis) enter Delhi. The survey had measured vehicles in both directions. And while it is difficult to know if the same vehicle has entered and then left Delhi on the same day, it is clear that the total number has an imprint on Delhi’s air as these vehicles will traverse through the city. The daily average numbers of light and heavy goods vehicles that enter and exit from the nine points are 85,799. The total number of commercial light and heavy duty trucks entering and leaving the city is 115,945 each day.
Read more @ CSE
Read more @ CSE
The MCD estimate of the number of trucks crossing Delhi borders is grossly underestimated and is unreliable for calculating pollution load from trucks: According to MCD data, on an average only 22,628 commercial vehicles, excluding taxis, enter Delhi each day from nine entry points, as against the 38,588 commercial vehicles counted by CSE survey – almost 16,000 vehicles less. This is an underestimate of about 70 per cent in the number of trucks entering from the nine entry points.
Thus, according to the MCD, the total number of light and heavy trucks that enter Delhi everyday from all entry points is 30,373. This is even lower than what the CSE survey counted at nine entry points. Thus, MCD data on daily average truck entry is an underestimation by an astounding 70 per cent. The gap in different entry points varies in the range of 50-96 per cent. The survey establishes that the official numbers of truck entry into the city are a gross underestimation and they end up seriously under-estimating the health impact of these vehicles in the city.
Enormous contribution to pollution load: Delhi’s own vehicles are responsible for 62 per cent of the particulate load from the transport sector and 68 per cent of the NOx load. The total number of light and heavy trucks that enter Delhi spew close to 30 per cent of the total particulate load and 22 per cent of the total nitrogen oxide load from the transport sector.
Thus, according to the MCD, the total number of light and heavy trucks that enter Delhi everyday from all entry points is 30,373. This is even lower than what the CSE survey counted at nine entry points. Thus, MCD data on daily average truck entry is an underestimation by an astounding 70 per cent. The gap in different entry points varies in the range of 50-96 per cent. The survey establishes that the official numbers of truck entry into the city are a gross underestimation and they end up seriously under-estimating the health impact of these vehicles in the city.
Enormous contribution to pollution load: Delhi’s own vehicles are responsible for 62 per cent of the particulate load from the transport sector and 68 per cent of the NOx load. The total number of light and heavy trucks that enter Delhi spew close to 30 per cent of the total particulate load and 22 per cent of the total nitrogen oxide load from the transport sector.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
3 Infants Seek Ban on Firecrackers from the Supreme Court
"Our lungs have not yet fully developed and we cannot take further pollution through bursting of crackers," said three infants in their petition before the Supreme Court seeking a ban on crackers this Dussehra and Diwali besides a host of measures like implementation of Bharat V norms for vehicles to arrest the capital's worsening air quality. Read more @ Times of India
In a first of its kind petition in judicial history, the infants - two six-month-olds Arjun Gopal and Aarav Bhandari and 14-month-old Zoya Rao Bhasin - moved the SC through their advocate fathers to seek several measures to mitigate pollution and exercise their right to clean air guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution. The Supreme Court Rules permit minors to file petitions for the protection of their fundamental rights through their parents and guardians who term themselves as 'next friends'. The immediate provocation for the filing of the writ petition under Article 32 of the Constitution was the crackers that would go up in a burst of sound, flame and smoke during the coming festive season.
The petitioners sought the SC's immediate intervention "against inevitable and upcoming widespread use of firecrackers and fireworks and other products of the same classification, especially during Dussehra and Diwali, but thereafter in all other events and festivities as well". They also wanted measures to check pollution hazards like burning crop residues, polluting vehicles and open waste disposal. They said, "Over the last two years, Delhi has retained the unique distinction of being the most polluted city in the world. The levels of particulate matter are highest, and across the country, over 7 lakh deaths occur annually due to air-pollution related diseases.
"Studies show that Indian citizens have 30% lower lung capacity than Europeans, and that children are the worst affected, as their lungs have not yet fully developed and their systems are vulnerable. In Delhi, a majority of the pollution is caused by over 500 million tonnes of crop residue burnt annually in neighbouring areas, by polluting trucks that pass through the city during the night, road dust and pollution from industries.
"To add to this, the smoke from bursting of crackers in the months of October and November during the festivals of Dussehra and Diwali virtually clogs the atmosphere, substantially increases the pollution level and magnifies the risk of contracting lung diseases." They said every year, the adverse impact of pollution gets debated and forgotten as the lethargic government machinery does little to protect citizens, especially infants and children, from the long-term toxic effects of deadly pollution enveloping the capital city. The infants also sought following directions from the court to the government on a ban on burning post-harvest crop residue, stringent action against those who dump dust, malba (concrete waste) and other pollutants and introducing Bharat-V emission norms for vehicles.
In a first of its kind petition in judicial history, the infants - two six-month-olds Arjun Gopal and Aarav Bhandari and 14-month-old Zoya Rao Bhasin - moved the SC through their advocate fathers to seek several measures to mitigate pollution and exercise their right to clean air guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution. The Supreme Court Rules permit minors to file petitions for the protection of their fundamental rights through their parents and guardians who term themselves as 'next friends'. The immediate provocation for the filing of the writ petition under Article 32 of the Constitution was the crackers that would go up in a burst of sound, flame and smoke during the coming festive season.
The petitioners sought the SC's immediate intervention "against inevitable and upcoming widespread use of firecrackers and fireworks and other products of the same classification, especially during Dussehra and Diwali, but thereafter in all other events and festivities as well". They also wanted measures to check pollution hazards like burning crop residues, polluting vehicles and open waste disposal. They said, "Over the last two years, Delhi has retained the unique distinction of being the most polluted city in the world. The levels of particulate matter are highest, and across the country, over 7 lakh deaths occur annually due to air-pollution related diseases.

"Studies show that Indian citizens have 30% lower lung capacity than Europeans, and that children are the worst affected, as their lungs have not yet fully developed and their systems are vulnerable. In Delhi, a majority of the pollution is caused by over 500 million tonnes of crop residue burnt annually in neighbouring areas, by polluting trucks that pass through the city during the night, road dust and pollution from industries.
"To add to this, the smoke from bursting of crackers in the months of October and November during the festivals of Dussehra and Diwali virtually clogs the atmosphere, substantially increases the pollution level and magnifies the risk of contracting lung diseases." They said every year, the adverse impact of pollution gets debated and forgotten as the lethargic government machinery does little to protect citizens, especially infants and children, from the long-term toxic effects of deadly pollution enveloping the capital city. The infants also sought following directions from the court to the government on a ban on burning post-harvest crop residue, stringent action against those who dump dust, malba (concrete waste) and other pollutants and introducing Bharat-V emission norms for vehicles.
AUTO !! - 3-Wheeler Operations in Hyderabad
Transport Policy in India,
Thursday, September 24, 2015
India's Doctors Blame Air Pollution for Sharp Rise in Respiratory Diseases
A sharp rise in cases of chest and throat disease in India is being blamed by doctors on worsening air pollution in the country, which is now home to 13 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world. According to India’s National Health Profile 2015, there were almost 3.5m reported cases of acute respiratory infection (ARI) last year, a 140,000 increase on the previous year and a 30% increase since 2010.
Read the article @ the Guardian
The number of ARI cases has risen steadily in India over the last 15 years, even when population growth is taken into account. In 2001, less than 2,000 cases per 100,000 people had an ARI. In 2012 the number was 2,600 per 100,000, statistics show. The rise has occurred despite steady improvements in medical care and nutrition, as well as a shift away from using wood as fuel in rural areas. Together this has mitigated many factors long blamed for the high levels of respiratory diseases in India.
Doctors are blaming the increasing severity of the problem on unprecedented decline in air quality across India. “Due to the awareness drives conducted about diseases like swine flu and influenza, people have become more aware ... Yet air pollution is playing a major role in [increasing] the numbers of such diseases,” Dr Jugal Kishore, head of community medicine at Delhi’s Safdarjung hospital, told the local India Today news magazine. Attention to the problem of air pollution in India has so far focused almost exclusively on the capital. One study found that half of Delhi’s 4.4 million schoolchildren would never recover full lung capacity.
The number of ARI cases has risen steadily in India over the last 15 years, even when population growth is taken into account. In 2001, less than 2,000 cases per 100,000 people had an ARI. In 2012 the number was 2,600 per 100,000, statistics show. The rise has occurred despite steady improvements in medical care and nutrition, as well as a shift away from using wood as fuel in rural areas. Together this has mitigated many factors long blamed for the high levels of respiratory diseases in India.
Moratily Due to Air Pollution in Delhi - 80 per day !!
At Least 11% Delhites Suffer from Asthma

In other cities across the country the problem was even worse. In Ahmedabad, in the west, levels of PM2.5s peaked at eight times the WHO limit for a 24-hour average. In Lucknow, in the north, levels reached seven times the limit. Levels of CO2, nitrogen dioxide and ozone in less known cities have also regularly exceeded WHO guidelines by huge margins. India has the highest rate of death from respiratory disease in the world, according to the WHO,. The rate was 159 per 100,000 in 2012, about 10 times that of Italy, five times that of the UK and twice that of China.
Officials in Chennai say they are aware of the problem, and point to measures from the new $3bn (£2bn) metro to the construction of traffic islands as evidence of their intent to tackle it. But similar mass transit systems across India do not have a significant immediate impact on pollution, experts say. Most are too small and have been built too late. Studies show that Delhi’s metro users previously travelled on buses, by bicycles or on foot, not in cars. One effective, and considerably cheaper, scheme in Chennai has been the introduction of minibuses on smaller roads between the major bus routes. “It has worked and been very popular,” said Narayan.
In Chennai - 250 Asthma and COPD Cases Registered Everyday
The problem has a broader cultural aspect too. In India, as in the west in the 1950s and 1960s, cars bring not just mobility and convenience but are tangible symbols of social success. On a sheet of paper pinned to a wall of the spotless Alandar station, contented passengers have scrawled their impressions of Chennai’s month-old metro. “Very wonderful, fantastic, unforgettable,” they gush.
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