Saturday, August 31, 2024

Op-Ed - Domestic gas drives industrial consumption in India

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Op-Ed - Pollution tax can drive clean environment and energy in Bangladesh

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Journal Article - Are we going towards an effective integration of air quality and climate planning? A comparative analysis for Italian region

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Op-Ed - What if Big Oil championed – and profited from – the green transition? Here’s how it could work

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Op-Ed - China Will Generate More Nuclear Power Than Both France and the United States by 2030

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Op-Ed - Killed by a Traffic Engineer: CalBike Interviews Wes Marshall

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Video - Friday Video: How (and Why) To Paint a Ghost Bike

Op-Ed - Uppsala in Sweden has Europe’s cleanest city air in 2024

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Op-Ed - The Corals That Survive Climate Change Will Be Unrecognizable

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Op-Ed - Emissions from Australian coal-fired power stations rise as wind and hydro dip

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Humor in Pollution - Which multiple record breaker is so hot right now?

For details visit The Guardian

Op-Ed - Turbine Blades Have Piled Up in Landfills. A Solution May Be Coming

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Op-Ed - Most ‘Climate Policies’ Do Not Bring Down Emissions

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Humor in Pollution - Climate Change

Friday, August 30, 2024

Data Resource - Atmospheric concentration of CO2 (Weekly summary of data from Mauna Loa)

This image is sourced from Dr. Robbie Andrew @ CECIRO

Accumulated Rainfall in the last 24 hours - Gridded Daily Totals from Indian Meteorological Department

This image is sourced from Dr. Robbie Andrew @ CECIRO

Visit all India meteorology and air quality forecasts for wind speeds, wind directions, surface temperatures, ground-level temperature, and mixing heights. Updated everyday around 7PM IST.

Op-Ed - Global temperature record streak continues, as climate change makes heatwaves more extreme

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Data Resource - The Keeling Curve - CO2 Concentrations

For latest readings and long-term details visit the keeling curve. Updated everyday.

Op-Ed - How Clouds Affect The Seasons

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Op-Ed - Canada’s Wildfires Were a Top Global Emitter Last Year

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This Fun Game Can Help You Fix the Parking Mess | Download Now

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Op-Ed - Q&A: The global ‘trade war’ over China’s booming EV industry

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Op-Ed - Explainer: Why is climate change causing ‘record-shattering’ extreme heat?

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Op-Ed - Urban Trees Are Vital in an Era of Extreme Heat

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Op-Ed - How the Heat Is Changing Us

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Op-Ed - Hungry for Clean Energy, Facebook Looks to a New Type of Geothermal

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Op-Ed - France, Italy, Belgium: Which European countries have the best cycle to work schemes?

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Op-Ed - Low emissions traffic schemes linked to cleaner air

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Op-Ed - Climate models could be underestimating the impacts of future rainfall in India

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Op-Ed - Stockholm to ban petrol and diesel cars

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Op-Ed - Order book for e-buses grows to over 20,000 even as industry awaits payment security mechanism

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Journal Article - Effect of vehicle characteristics on unpaved road dust emissions

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Monday, August 26, 2024

Journal Article - Long-term spatiotemporal distribution characterization of atmospheric black carbon MERRA-2 concentration over China

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Journal Article - Investigation of the impact of satellite vertical sensitivity on long-term retrieved lower-tropospheric ozone trends

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Journal Article - Uncertainties of biogenic VOC emissions caused by land cover data and implications on ozone mitigation strategies for the Yangtze River Delta region

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Journal Article - Long-term trends in aerosol properties derived from AERONET measurements

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Journal Article - First High-Resolution Vertical Profiles of Methane in the Troposphere Over India

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Journal Article - U.S. Ethane Emissions and Trends Estimated from Atmospheric Observations

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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Journal Article - QUANT: a long-term multi-city commercial air sensor dataset for performance evaluation

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Journal Article - Air Pollution and Mortality in India: Investigating the Nexus of Ambient and Household Pollution Across Life Stages

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Journal Article - An improved framework for efficiently modeling organic aerosol (OA) considering primary OA evaporation and secondary OA formation from VOCs, IVOCs, and SVOCs

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Journal Article - Mortality Attributable to Ambient Fine Particulate Matter Exposure in a Changing Canadian Population, 2001 to 2021

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Journal Article - Evaluating alternative technologies to diesel generation in India using multi-criteria decision analysis

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Journal Article - Enhancing the Methodology for Calculating Emission Reductions in Air Quality Policies

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Journal Article - Where Dust Comes From: Global Assessment of Dust Source Attributions With AeroCom Models

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Journal Article - Regional impact assessment of air quality improvement: The air quality lifecourse assessment tool (AQ-LAT) for the West Midlands combined authority (WMCA) area

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Op-Ed - Sustainable aviation fuel shows potential but issues remain

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Resource Material - Five charts: How climate change is driving up food prices around the world

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Op-Ed - Rafts of garbage, kelp and other debris could transport alien invaders to a warming Antarctica

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Op-Ed - Can climate stripes change the way we think about air pollution?

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Op-Ed - ‘Worst-Case’ Disaster for Antarctic Ice Looks Less Likely

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Video - Why are India's Car Sales Dropping?

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Journal Article - Reporting of Gridded Ammonia Emission and Assessment of Hotspots across India: A comprehensive study of 24 anthropogenic sources

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Op-Ed - The Future of Transportation -- The bus, the bike, and the elevator are

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Op-Ed - The Economic Value of Street Trees

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Video (Hindi) - Transformer | Electric Transformer | Types of Transformer | Losses in Transformer

Video (Hindi) - Electricity Phase, Neutral And Earthing Wire

Video (Hindi) - Transmission Line | Insulator | ACSR | Sub station | Corona Discharge High Tension Line | SAG | RCC

Video (Hindi) - Thermal Power Plant | Boiler | Economizer | Turbine

Video - Energy 101: Solar PV

Video - Energy 101: Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy

Video - Energy 101: Wind Power

Video - Energy 101: Concentrating Solar Power

Video - Energy 101: Geothermal Energy

Journal Article - Active school travel in China: Unveiling multifaceted influences for sustainable mobility

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Journal Article - Transport-induced gentrification in Latin America: An urban conflict arising from accessibility improvements

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Journal Article - Environmental and health impacts of banning passenger cars with internal combustion engines: A case study of Leeds, UK

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Journal Article - Using Multi-Source data to identify high NOx emitting Heavy-Duty diesel vehicles

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Journal Article - How emerging modes might change (sustainable) mobility patterns

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Journal Article - Insight into emission reduction effect of coal and biomass mixed briquette fuel

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Journal Article - Initiatives and programs from Indian perspective for improved biomass cook stove (IBCS) technology: a way towards sustainability

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Journal Article - Air quality forecasting for winter-time PM2.5 episodes occurring in multiple cities in central and southern Chile

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Monday, August 19, 2024

Journal Article - Changing ozone sensitivity in Fujian province, China, during 2012-2021: Importance of controlling VOC emissions

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Journal Article - The impact of CO2 emission synergy on PM2.5 emissions and a dynamic analysis of health and economic benefits: A case study of China’s transportation industry

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Journal Article - Wildfire-smoke-precipitation interactions in Siberia: Insights from a regional model study

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Op-Ed - How methane emissions are pushing the Amazon towards environmental catastrophe

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Op-Ed - How Does Your State Make Electricity?

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Op-Ed - The Secret, Magical Life Of Lithium

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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Journal Article - State of Wildfires 2023–2024

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Journal Article - Assessment of co-benefits from on-road vehicle electrification in Suzhou City, China

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Journal Article - Research on PM2.5 road resuspension dust and its population exposure based on sliding grids

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Op-Ed - It’s Oil That Makes LA Boil

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Op-Ed - Inside Silicon Valley’s Grand Ambitions To Control Our Planet’s Thermostat

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Op-Ed - Australian fossil fuel exports ranked second only to Russia for climate damage with ‘no plan’ for reduction

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Op-Ed - Bangladesh power use grows as searing heat eclipses economic disruption

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Op-Ed - Meeting 1.5C warming limit hinges on governments more than technology

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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Op-Ed - Climate change made ‘monsoon downpour’ behind Kerala landslides 10% more intense

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Op-Ed - America Has a Hot-Steel Problem

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Op-Ed - How Extreme Heat Is Threatening Education Progress Worldwide

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Journal Article - Europe-wide high-spatial resolution air pollution models are improved by including traffic flow estimates on all roads

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Journal Article - High-resolution satellite estimates of coal mine methane emissions from local to regional scales in Shanxi, China

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Journal Article - Air Quality, Health, and Equity Benefits of Carbon Neutrality and Clean Air Pathways in China

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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Journal Article - Role of primary drivers leading to emission reduction of major air pollutants and CO2 from global power plants

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Journal Article - Has Reducing Ship Emissions Brought Forward Global Warming?

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Op-Ed - Has China reached peak emissions?

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Op-Ed - The world’s most liveable cities in 2024

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Op-Ed - 2024 Most Walkable Cities in the World

Op-Ed - How to reduce the risk of developing dementia

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Op-Ed - Why New York scrapped congestion charging

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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Journal Article - Past and Future Trends in Clear-Air Turbulence Over the Northern Hemisphere

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Op-Ed - Why Your City Needs a Walkability Study

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Op-Ed - Survey Says: American Walking Data Is Getting Worse

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Journal Article - High resolution mapping of nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter in Great Britain (2003–2021) with multi-stage data reconstruction and ensemble machine learning methods

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Journal Article - Contributions of fossil and non-fossil fractions to total carbon in urban aerosols in Bratislava (Slovakia)

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Journal Article - Assessing CMAQ model discrepancies in a heavily polluted air basin using UAV vertical profiles and sensitivity analyses

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Journal Article - Beyond air pollution: a national assessment of cooking-related burns in Ghana

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Journal Article - Reconstructing long-term (1980–2022) daily ground particulate matter concentrations in India (LongPMInd)

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Journal Article - Recent Developments in Satellite Remote Sensing for Air Pollution Surveillance in Support of Sustainable Development Goals

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Friday, August 09, 2024

Op-Ed - Global methane emissions rising at fastest rate in decades, scientists warn

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Journal Article - Models and methods for transport demand and decarbonisation: A review

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Op-Ed - Five Car Culture Euphemisms We Need To Stop Using

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Op-Ed - How Copenhagen Measures the Costs of Driving — And Crafts Policy to Reduce Them

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Op-Ed - The Paris Plan for Olympic Traffic? Build More Bike Lanes

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Video - What the fossil fuel industry doesn't want you to know (Al Gore @ TED)

Video - Broken record: UNEP's #EmissionsGap Report 2023

Video - How Did Humans Discover Climate Change? | Flashback with Palki Sharma

Video - What Is the Greenhouse Effect? (NASA)

Op-Ed - Is Earth really getting too hot for people to survive? A scientist explains extreme heat and the role of climate change

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Op-Ed - China: still the world’s biggest emitter, but also an emerging force in climate diplomacy

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Op-Ed - For decades, governments have subsidised fossil fuels. But why?

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Thursday, August 08, 2024

Op-Ed - China’s CO2 falls 1% in Q2 2024 in first quarterly drop since Covid-19

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Journal Article - Evolution of global O3-NOx-VOCs sensitivity before and after the COVID-19 from the ratio of formaldehyde to NO2 from satellites observations

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Journal Article - Global seasonal urban, industrial, and background NO2 estimated from TROPOMI satellite observations

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Journal Article - Source Attribution of Health Burdens From Ambient PM2.5, O3, and NO2 Exposure for Assessment of South Korean National Emission Control Scenarios by 2050

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Monday, August 05, 2024

Journal Article - Are our climate data fit for your purpose?

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Journal Article - Projected global sulfur deposition with climate intervention

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Journal Article - Vehicle Stock Numbers and Survival Functions for On-Road Exhaust Emissions Analysis in India: 1993–2018

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Inforgraph - Know your air pollutants (1/8)

Access other infographs and full primer here.

Inforgraph - Know your air pollutants (2/8)

Access other infographs and full primer here.

Inforgraph - Know your air pollutants (3/8)

Access other infographs and full primer here.

Inforgraph - Know your air pollutants (4/8)

Access other infographs and full primer here.

Inforgraph - Know your air pollutants (5/8)

Access other infographs and full primer here.

Inforgraph - Know your air pollutants (6/8)

Access other infographs and full primer here.

Inforgraph - Know your air pollutants (7/8)

Access other infographs and full primer here.

Inforgraph - Know your air pollutants (8/8)

Access other infographs and full primer here.

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Journal Article - High resolution temporal profiles in the Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research

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Journal Article - Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosol from Nature Version 3 (MEGAN3) for Estimating Biogenic Emissions

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Journal Article - MEIC-global-CO2: A new global CO2 emission inventory with highly-resolved source category and sub-country information

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Report - State of Global Coal Power 2023

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Journal Article - Global air quality and health impacts of domestic and international shipping

Journal Article - Dynamic NOx emission factors for main engines of bulk carriers

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Journal Article - High-resolution global shipping emission inventory by Shipping Emission Inventory Model (SEIM)

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Journal Article - Estimating global 0.1° scale gridded anthropogenic CO2 emissions using TROPOMI NO2 and a data-driven method

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Journal Article - The nexus of transportation, the built environment, air pollution and health

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Journal Article - Global ammonia emission could be halved with cost-effective measures

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Journal Article - Ozone Mortality Burden Changes Driven by Population Aging and Regional Inequity in China in 2013–2050

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Journal Article - Modeling Air Pollution-Related Health Benefits of Transportation Scenarios

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Journal Article - Air Quality and Cardiovascular Mortality-Analysis of Recent Data

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Saturday, August 03, 2024

Video - TED - What seaweed and cow burps have to do with climate change

Humor in Pollution - Mutty Aur Tutty (in Hindi - Soil and Shit)


Podcast - Reducing Methane Emissions: Why, How, and How Fast? (by Energy 360)

Podcast - The climate wild card: permafrost (by the Carbon Copy)

Video - TED-Ed - The world's most dangerous fart

India Air Quality Information - 3-day Forecast for 50 Indian Cities

Forecast information is updated every day around 9PM IST.
More @

Summary Infograph: Today's Air Quality (PM2.5 Pollution) and Meteorology Forecast for Delhi, India


Delhi Air Quality Information - What is Contributing to PM2.5 Pollution Today?

This is modeled forecast result for the state of Delhi.
For more details visit

In the chart, you will see
  • 24-hr average PM2.5 concentrations in micro-gm/m3
  • Percent shares of all known sources in the region
  • AQI color code (as per India methodology)

Infograph - Air Pollution in Delhi (Forecasts) - Today/Tomorrow's Sources of PM2.5 Pollution

More more details visit
Do you want to see the daily-average PM2.5 pollution map?

Infograph - Air Quality in Delhi (Forecasts) - Today/Tomorrow's PM2.5 Pollution Map

More more details visit

Data - Air Quality Forecasts (Global) from NASA-GEOS_CF System

96-hour (4-days) air quality forecasts from NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) by region are accessible here for PM2.5, NO2, SO2, CO, and Ozone

Data - Air Quality Forecasts (Global) from FMI's SILAM System

96-hour (4-days) air quality forecasts from Finnish Meteorological Department (FMI)'s global SILAM system are accessible here for PM2.5, NO2, SO2, CO, and Ozone


Op-Ed - Oil companies sold the public on a fake climate solution - The fossil fuel industry’s carbon capture bamboozle, explained

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Op-Ed - The oil industry would like to know when global demand will peak. That’s hard to predict

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Op-Ed - Hydrogen gas not an easy alternative for 'clean' power

Journal Article Link

Friday, August 02, 2024

Journal Article - Partitioning anthropogenic and natural methane emissions in Finland during 2000–2021 by combining bottom-up and top-down estimates

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Journal Article - What can we learn about tropospheric OH from satellite observations of methane?

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Journal Article - Evaluation of WRF-Chem PM2.5 simulations in Thailand with different anthropogenic and biomass-burning emissions

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Journal Article - The Environmental Consequences of Engine Emissions in Air and Road Transport

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Journal Article - Emission Control in Expressway Systems: Vehicle Emission Inventory and Policy Scenario Analysis

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Journal Article - urbisphere-Berlin campaign: Investigating multi-scale urban impacts on the atmospheric boundary layer

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Journal Article - Quantifying embodied energy consumption and air pollutant emissions in China's real estate development in 2000–2020

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Journal Article - Why methane matters

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Journal Article - Impact of Model Spatial Resolution on Global Geophysical Satellite-Derived Fine Particulate Matter

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Journal Article - High secondary aerosol contribution to particulate pollution during haze events in China

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