Times of India, February 28th, 2015
Gurgaon air quality comes under the radar.
Asia One, February 28th, 2015
Beijing imposes fees to curb dust emissions.
Times of India, February 28th, 2o15
Five polluting thermal plants lose bank guarantee.
Reuters, February 28th, 2015
Doctors should take lead in push to curb climate change.
Times of India, February 28th, 2015
NTPC says Badarpur plant doesn’t pollute.
Global Times, February 28th, 2015
Polluted cities’ leaders warned.
Foreign Policy, February 28th, 2015
Watch China’s Silent Assassin in Action.
Outlook, February 27th, 2015
Air Pollution Levels in Delhi Nine Times That of WHO Limit.
The Guardian, February 27th, 2015
State and federal governments agree to crack down on air pollution.
Turkish Weekly, February 27th, 2015
Ghana leader vows to 'fix' energy crisis.
Business Recorder, February 27th, 2015
Coal transportation: feasibility study commissioned.
Times of India, February 27th, 2015
Singapore Dreams Amid Goa’s Traffic Nightmare.
Times of India, February 27th, 2015
PWD minister declares war on dust and clutter.
Times of India, February 27th, 2015
Kejriwal promises to shut Okhla waste plant.
Deccan Chronicle, February 27th, 2015
Toxic Delhi getting dangerous.
Bloomberg, February 26th, 2015
Air Pollution Turned This Chinese City Into a Ghost Town.
Economic Times, February 26th, 2015
US, Japan & German embassies contemplating reduction of tenure of diplomats due to Delhi's poor air quality.
NPR, February 25th, 2015
Young Indians Learn To Fight Pollution To Save Lives.
Foreign Affairs, February 25th, 2015
Harder to Breathe - India's Pollution Crisis—And What To Do About It.
Earth Week, Feburary 25th, 2015
Chinese Pollution Chokes Korean Peninsula.
SciTech, February 25th, 2015
Watchdogs slam pollution deal in Ireland.
Bangkok Post, February 25th, 2015
Coal's day is over, but it's trying to hang on.
Eco-Business, February 24th, 2015
Indian thermal plants worst polluters.
International Business Times, February 24th, 2015
India: Air pollution from fossil fuels cuts short millions of lives by three years.
Business Standard, February 24th, 2015
Save lives, fight air pollution.
Hindustan Times, February 23rd, 2015
US scientist runs pollution check on Capital in an auto.
India Real Time, February 23rd, 2015
Al Gore on Pollution in Delhi.
Zee News, February 23rd, 2015
Fly-ash mismanagement cause of pollution in Odisha.
The Huffington Post, February 23rd, 2015
Preventing Sea Level Rise in New York City While Cleaning the Air in India and China.
India TV, February 23rd, 2015
Heavy pollution levels choking Delhi.
Wall Street Journal, February 23rd, 2015
Al Gore on Pollution in Delhi.
Economic Times, February 23rd, 2015
Air pollution cutting 660 million lives short by 3 years.
Huffington Post, February 23rd, 2015
Dirty Air, Murky Politics And The AAP's Delhi Pollution Challenge.
Myanmar News, February 23rd, 2015
YCDC to begin air pollution monitoring at 15 locations.
New York Times, Febraury 23rd, 2015
Cutting Through India’s Smog.
Hindustan Times, February 22nd, 2015
Capital’s unbreathable air: No clean-up till we own up.
NDTV, February 22nd, 2015
India's Thermal Power Plants Lag on Emissions and Efficiency.
Economic Times, February 22nd, 2015
Badarpur among most polluting and wasteful power plants.
Hindustan Times, February 22nd, 2015
For some, relocation is solution to Capital’s horrid air pollution.
Deccan Chronicle, February 22nd, 2015
Telangana State, Andhra Pradesh thermal plants are worst.
Economic Times, February 22nd, 2015
India’s poor air quality: Pressure on government to speed up corrective measures.
International Business Times, February 21st, 2015
Air Pollution In India Reducing Lifespan Of Over 660M People By 3 Years.
New York Times, February 21st, 2015
Polluted Air Cuts Years Off Lives of Millions in India.
CBC News, February 21st, 2015
India's air pollution cutting lives short by 3 years.
Indian Express, February 21st, 2015
Coughing Kejriwal: Scary Mandate and Scary Pollution.
Business Standard, February 21st, 2015
Most power plants in India falter on green regulation: CSE.
Deccan Chronicle, Febraury 21st, 2015
'Unacceptable levels' of pollution in Delhi.
Times of India, February 21st, 2015
Experts debate advisory during green emergency.
Zee News, February 21st, 2015
High air pollution cuts most Indian lives by 3 years.
Financial Express, February 20th, 2015
Unacceptable levels of pollution in Delhi.
Live Mint, Feburary 20th, 2015
What makes Delhi’s air the worst in the world?
Nepali Times, February 20th, 2015
Getting rid of soot.
NewsX, February 20th, 2015
Smartphones to monitor real-time air pollution.
NDTV, February 20th, 2015
U.S. to Monitor Air Quality in India and Other Countries.
Hans India, February 20th, 2015
Air pollution reaches dangerous level in 106 Chinese cities.
Indian Express, February 20th, 2015
Those travelling by public transport most at risk of air pollution.
Washington Post, February 20th, 2015
Scientists zeroing in on where air pollution goes in winter.
The Hindu, February 20th, 2015
Through the smog, darkly.
Hindustan Times, February 20th, 2015
Govts dither as Delhi chokes on its own air.
Investors.Com, February 20th, 2015
Electric Cars Aren't So Green After All.
Washington Post, February 20th, 2015
U.S. embassies are going to measure other countries’ air quality. Surprise: Some don’t like it much.
Customs Today, February 20th, 2015
Punjab EPD plans to upgrade brick kilns’ technology to minimize air pollution.
Business Standard, February 20th, 2015
Rural India's LPG failure kills people, changes weather.
China Daily, February 20th, 2015
Air pollution surges amid New Year fireworks.
Science Daily, February 19th, 2015
Clearing up Europe's air pollution hotspots.
The City Fix, February 19th, 2015
Why India needs open data for better urban mobility.
Xinhua News, February 19th, 2015
42,800 new-energy vehicles exempt from purchase tax.
China Daily, February 19th, 2015
Key pollutants to drop in 5 to 10 yrs.
eNews, February 19th, 2015
Cleaner Electricity Will Be More Reliable, NRDC Expert Says.
Phys.Org, February 19th, 2015
Clearing up Europe's air pollution hotspots.
NY Times, February 19th, 2015
U.S. to Monitor Air Quality in India and Other Countries.
Global Post, February 19th, 2015
Chinese New Year fireworks increase air pollution by 25 times in Beijing.
World Bank, February 19th, 2015
Clean Air and Healthy Lungs: How to Better Tackle Air Pollution.
Times of India, February 18th, 2015
Pune, Delhi get app to check air pollution levels.
India Today, February 18th, 2015
We have to take emergency measures to check air pollution in Delhi.
DW News, February 18th, 2015
The big smog: Cities plagued by air pollution.
Hindustan Times, February 18th, 2015
Coal supply to thermal plants in Punjab to be hit.
Business Standard, February 18th, 2015
NTPC to supply 40% more power to UP by 2016-17.
Times of India, February 17th, 2015
PCB blamed for rise in vehicular pollution.
Times of India, February 17th, 2015
Air pollution level in city schools ‘alarmingly high’.
Financial Times, February 17th, 2015
PM2.5 level in Delhi 10 times more than WHO limits: Greenpeace.
Quartz, February 17th, 2015
China is bragging that air pollution fell by 11% last year.
Zee News, February 17th, 2015
Delhi schoolchildren exposed to very unhealthy air.
The Guardian, February 15th, 2015
Iran MPs wear medical face masks to protest air pollution.
Hindustan Times, February 15th, 2015
Alarming air pollution is what Kejriwal must fight.
PR-Inside News, February 15th, 2015
Clean coal technologies market forecast to attain revenues of US$31Bn by 2018.
Tehran Times, February 15th, 2015
Health minister: Scientific approach needed to tackle Ahvaz air pollution.
Philly.Com, February 15th, 2015
GreenSpace: Save the heart by avoiding pollution.
Hindustan Times, February 15th, 2015
Centre to launch air pollution app.
Economic Times, February 14th, 2015
AAP government's to do list: Address Delhi's air pollution.
New York Times, February 14th, 2015
Delhi Wakes Up to an Air Pollution Problem It Cannot Ignore.
The Hindu, February 13th, 2015
India to be power surplus in 2019: Goyal.
Hans India, February 13th, 2015
Traffic lights put drivers at high air pollution risk.
Xinhua Net, February 13th, 2015
China Focus: Beijing serious about Winter Olympics bid.
Channel News Asia, Febraury 13th, 2015
Fitness-wave floods China as air pollution forces indoor exercise.
The Hindu, February 13th, 2015
Tackling pollution in India.
The Hindu, February 13th, 2015
A.P. policy emphasises on rooftop solar power projects.
MEP China, February 12th, 2015
Beijing to double charging stations before 2016.
The Guardian, February 11th, 2015
Boris Johnson advised his London air pollution plans are too little, too late.
IBN Live, February 11th, 2015
Air pollution in Delhi alarming, HC calls for pollution map.
Haaretz News, February 11th, 2015
Dust storm causes worst air pollution in Israel in five years.
Dhaka Tribune, February 10th, 2015
Inhaling poison in Dhaka.
Times of India, February 10th, 2015
Fuel norms may be flashpoint between new govt and Centre.
Nature World News, Febuary 10th, 2015
Man-Made Air Pollution Started With the Incas.
Power Engineering, February 10th, 2015
China coal capacity forecast to hit 1367 GW.
Odisha Sun Times, February 10th, 2015
Experts caution over coal usage in Asia.
Economic Times, February 9th, 2015
Air pollution in Delhi: Delhi High Court notice to government, other agencies.
India.Com, February 8th, 2015
R K Pachauri Interview: New Delhi government must give high priority to environmental issues.
Times of India, February 8th, 2015
Koradi resident moves MPCB over power plant pollution.
PBS News, February 8th, 2015
India grapples with air pollution crisis.
The Newyorker, February 8th, 2015
China Tries a New Tactic to Combat Pollution: Transparency.
Deccan Chronicle, February 8th, 2015
Thermal plants pollute air, water in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana.
Times of India, February 8th, 2015
Soaring pollution pushes up sales of air purifiers.
Havasu News, February 8th, 2015
California's air pollution caused by ozone from Asia.
The Economist, February 7th, 2015
Air pollution in India - Breathe uneasy.
Environment News Service, February 7th, 2015
Obama’s FY 2016 Budget: What’s In It for the Environment?
Economic Times, February 6th, 2015
Government mulls swapping of coal supplies only for state-run utilities.
IBN Live, February 6th, 2015
India among most at risk of climate change: Global Commission.
Asian Correspondent, February 6th, 2015
China’s dismal air pollution stats are an improvement on 2013.
Bristol Post, February 6th, 2015
Air pollution in Bristol kills 200 people a year.
DNA India, February 6th, 2015
HC to take up issue of air pollution in Delhi.
Power Technology, February 5th, 2015
Turkey plans to spend $50bn to boost power generation by 2018.
Times of India, February 5th, 2015
Every Bengalurean smokes 6 cigarettes a day!
Times of India, February 5th, 2015
Delhi’s poor air quality not acceptable.
Hindustan Times, February 5th, 2015
On offer: Cost-effective measures to rid India of air pollution.
World Bulletin, February 5th, 2015
Shanghai to spend $16 billion on anti-pollution projects.
The Hindu, February 5th, 2015
Concern over reports of air pollution.
Telegraph, February 5th, 2015
Fossil fuel pollution kills 553 people in Northern Ireland every year.
Legally India, February 5th, 2015
Delhi HC wants city's dirty air cleaned somehow by somebody in animals-poisoned-by-pollution-petition.
Scroll.in, February 5th, 2015
Delhi, don't hold your breath: the poll results won't clear the air!
Economic Times, February 5th, 2015
Clean air must be a birth right for all.
China Daily, February 5th, 2015
PM2.5 kills like smoking.
Shanghai Daily, February 5th, 2015
US$16b to be spent on anti-pollution projects.
Hindustan Times, February 5th, 2015
On offer: Cost-effective measures to rid India of air pollution.
Times of India, February 5th, 2015
Delhi elections 2015: Clean power, alternative energy & low emissions.
Weather Channel, February 5th, 2015
Air Pollution Alters Human DNA.
The Guardian, February 4th, 2015
Health sector should divest from fossil fuels.
Times of India, February 4th, 2015
Industries near Taj flout SC ban.
Times of India, February 4th, 2015
Household pollution – the killer behind your doors.
The Nation, February 4th, 2015
Air pollution in China could cause over 250,000 premature deaths.
EurekAlert, February 4th, 2015Understanding air pollution from biomass burners used for heating.
China Daily, February 4th, 2015
China adopts new contingency plan for environmental emergencies.
Science Daily, February 4th, 2015
Catalyst uses light to convert nitrogen to ammonia: Potential for environmentally friendly fertilizer.
Science Daily, February 4th, 2015
Understanding air pollution from biomass burners used for heating.
Manila Bulletin, February 4th, 2015
SC decision paves way for 600-MW Subic power project.
Energy Central, February 4th, 2015
Australia : Industry and science cooperation to advance carbon storage technology.
Times of India, February 4th, 2015
Clean up capital's air.
Yorkshire Post, February 4th, 2015
Warning over funding of fossil fuels.
Bangkok Post, February 3rd, 2015
Fire-ravaged tyre plant hit by shutdown.
US News, February 3rd, 2015
Mercury Air Pollution Reflected in Ocean Fish.
Chicago Business, February 3rd, 2015
FutureGen 'clean-coal' plant is dead.
BBC news, February 3rd, 2015
Most China cities fail to meet air quality standards.
Good Magazine, February 3rd, 2015
Watch Chinese Air Pollution Work Its Way Around the World in This Scary NASA Animation.
Moscow Times, February 3rd, 2015
Taking Action on Air Pollution Will Save Lives.
Sci.Dev.Net, February 3rd, 2015
Putting a price on deaths from vehicle pollution.
Money Control, February 3rd, 2015
JSW Energy looks to buyout 4k MW of stressed power projects.
All Africa, February 3rd, 2015
Nigeria: Coal Power to the Rescue.
Science Daily, February 3rd, 2015
Role of gravitational instabilities in volcanic ash deposition: The example of Eyjafjallajökull.
NPR, February 2nd, 2015
Here's How To End Iowa's Great Nitrate Fight.
Science Daily, February 2nd, 2015
Clean technology can partially make up for weak CO2 pricing.
The City Fix, February 2nd, 2015
How to enable safer access to mass transit in Indian cities.
Power Engineering, February 2nd, 2015
Pakistan to shelve 6600 MW coal power project.
Mourong Express, February 2nd, 2015
Clearing the air: What we breath in.
Pollution Solutions, February 2nd, 2015
Are China’s Pollution Problems Too Far-Gone?
NCAR, February 2nd, 2015
Cold facts of air pollution.
Reuters, February 2nd, 2015
Obama 2016 budget urges states to cut emissions faster.
Financial Express, February 2nd, 2015
Delhi pollution fears drive Barrack Obama team to deploy 1,800 top-of-the-class air purifiers.
Hindustan Times, February 1st, 2015
Delhi elections: Lack of importance given to air pollution appalling.
Times of India, February 1st, 2015
Vehicle fumes cause cancer.
Hindustan Times, February 1st, 2015
Cellphones fueling air pollution, global warming.
Nature World News, January 31st, 2015
Watch as Asian Air Pollution Chokes the World.
Science Daily, January 30th, 2015
Heat waves becoming more prominent in urban areas.
Hydrocarbon Engineering, January 30th, 2015The US-China climate agreement.
Energy Central, January 30th, 2015India raises $3bn selling state coal company shares.
Science Daily, January 29th, 2015
Where did the missing oil go? New study says some is sitting on the Gulf floor.
Science Daily, January 29th, 2015
Global warming won't mean more storms: Big storms to get bigger, small storms to shrink.
ECNS, January 29th, 2015
Northern China cities act to curb air pollution.
The News, January 29th, 2015
Environmental Agency in China using drones to catch polluters.
Shipping News, January 29th, 2015
China cuts thermal coal use by 3pc.
Press Release Rocket, January 28th, 2015
China Thermal Power Denitration Industry Report 2014-2017.
China Daily, January 28th, 2015
Car ownership tops 154 million in China in 2014.
South China Morning Post, Janaury 27th, 2015
Beijing workers have longest daily commute in China at 52 minutes each way.
Eurativ, January 27th, 2015
EU paper calls for binding CCS targets by 2030.
The News, January 23rd, 2015
China's smog provides cover for burglar in novel by environment official.
Nature, January 21st, 2015
Policy: Four gaps in China's new environmental law.
The Guardian, January 20th, 2015
Beijing's smog is increasingly toxic for China's politicians.
Global Times, January 19th, 2015New law allows NGOs to pursue legal action against environmental offenders.