Air pollution is a growing problem in most cities (big and small). The "Daily Dose" aims to disseminate the best available information on air pollution and engage in discussions to better understand the process of air quality management. For more details on the program, please visit
Andhra Pradesh State Pollution Control Board (APPCB) operates and maintains the monitoring network in Hyderabad. Below are some figure excerpts from the "Air Pollution and Co-benefits Analysis of an Action Plan for Hyderabad" report. Two journal articles also published out of this study
This study was conducted in 2005-06, including a year long (three seasons) monitoring for PM10 and PM2.5 for source apportionment, emissions inventory development, and air pollution analysis of an action plan for the city of Hyderabad, India.
Click on the images to enlarge.
Figure represents averaged monitoring data (RSMP - PM10) from multiple stations. Blue line represents the urban stations, while the green represents the background stations.
Figure represents an average result of the source apportionment study - following monitoring at three stations for three seasons, chemical analysis, and CMB modeling. This project was conducted under the USEPA's Integrated Environmental Strategies Phase 2 program for Hyderabad, India.
Figure represents a comparison of vehicular growth vs. average PM10 concentrations in the city. The city of Hyderabad is experiencing an average of 10 percent annual growth in vehicular population.
Figure represents modeled annual average PM10 concentrations in Hyderabad. Additional information (in the report) includes maps of seasonal contribution of various sources to ambient air pollution, and percent contribution of sources such as industries, transport - direct vehicular exhaust and indirect road dust, domestic combustion, open burning in the city, and background concentrations.
At Green Essentials, we sell natural and eco-friendly alternatives to several every-day products used in most of our homes. These products can make a real difference to your immediate environment by making it cleaner, chemical-free and beautiful.
Put simply, our goal is to encourage (and enable) doing small things to produce less waste, eat healthier and release fewer chemicals in the environment.
Most importantly, we believe that ‘Going Green’ doesn’t have to be a full-time job nor should it become ‘another mouth to feed’. Which is why the ‘green’ products we offer fit into your life seamlessly, making it easier, not harder and are so affordable that you don’t end up spending any more than you normally do.
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And more will follow...
Find us @ Taliegao, Panjim, Goa. Right on the new Taleigao-St. InezRoad, near Ideal Primary School.
You can also contact "Green Essentials" @ +91-832-2451823 or +91-9960643250.
Peter Huber, the co-author of The Bottomless Well, is a partner at the Washington, D.C., law firm of Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans and Figel, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a columnist for Forbes.
Bjorn Lomborg, the author of Cool It and The Skeptical Environmentalist, is an adjunct professor at the Copenhagen Business School. In 2004, he began the Copenhagen Consensus, a conference of top economists who come together to prioritize the best solutions for world problems.
Philip Stott, professor emeritus and a biogeographer from the University of London, was the editor of the Journal of Biogeography for 18 years.
L. Hunter Lovins is president of Natural Capitalism Solutions, which creates practical tools and strategies aimed at enabling companies, communities and countries to increase prosperity and quality of life. Lovins consults for industries and governments globally.
Oliver Tickell is the author of Kyoto2, in which he sets out an international framework for the control of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere intended to be effective, efficient and equitable.
Adam Werbach, global chief executive officer at Saatchi & Saatchi S, a sustainability consulting division of Saatchi & Saatchi, is regarded as one of the world's premier experts in sustainability. At age 23, he was elected as the youngest president ever of the Sierra Club, the oldest and largest environmental organization in the United States.
For air quality analysis, monitoring of various pollutants is very crucial for public health, compliance, and regulation. Here are some links to air pollution monitoring data from Asian megacities.
aka Atmospheric Brown Cloud over Asia, is back in the news.
(1) Science Daily - Sources of climate and health effecting pollution over South Asia identified. (2) TIME (CNN) - Study gets inside the world's "Brown Cloud". (3) BBC - Asia's Brown Clouds 'warm planet'. (4) Int. Herald Tribune - Haunting Asia, a brown cloud blots out sun. (5) New York Times - Study pinpoints main source of Asia's Brown Cloud. (6) Times of India - Wood fires fueling India's brown haze. (7) Scientific American - Wood and dung fires feed Asia's brown cloud. (8) Live Mint (WSJ) - Burning biomass contributes 70% of brown cloud soot. (9) Scientific American - Clear the air down south.
Here is a list of interesting (and useful) publications, news, and journal articles on ABC in the past
The study, carried out by Mark Jacobson of the atmosphere and energy programme at Stanford University, found wind power to be by far the most desirable source of energy. Biofuels from corn and plant waste came right at the bottom of the list, along with nuclear power and "clean" coal. The article is published in Energy & Environmental Science "Review of solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy security."
This piece by Daniel Sperling, aired on NPR Radio on January 15th, 2009, discussing the consequences of the doubling on the vehicles, which now stands at one billion, on the environment and sustainability.
Daniel Sperling is a professor of civil engineering and environmental science and policy at the University of California, Davis and the founding director of University of California, Davis' Institute of Transportation Studies.
A compilation of top environmental news in Asia is 2008 is published by IGES (Japan), featuring news & reports from 21 countries in the Asia-Pacific region and includes 114 articles from three international organizations and 21 countries.
The report covers the topics of global warming, air quality, water, waste and recycling, forests, biodiversity and others.
Also see.. a compilation on daily clean air news from Urban Emissions @
In 2008, 14 working papers were published under the SIM series.
SIM 01-2008: Using Google Earth for GIS Road Maps
For the transport sector emissions analysis, a good database of the urban road maps is required. This working paper describes a methodology to develop a set of road maps in GIS format using Google Earth.
SIM 02-2008: Four Simple Equations for Vehicular Emissions Inventory
This working paper explains four different equations to develop an emissions inventory - using base as (a) number of vehicles (b) fuel consumption by mode (c) passenger kilometers traveled or (d) ambient data followed by source apportionment. Each methodology has its advantages and disadvantages and an explanation is provided for developing the involved parameters.
SIM 03-2008: Informed Decision Support for AQM in Developing Cities SIM 04-2008: Simple and Interactive Models for Air Pollution Analysis
This working paper provides an overview of the SIM-air analytical tool for the rapid assessment and integrated analysis.
SIM 05-2008: Urban Air Pollution Analysis for Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
This is an executive summary of the analysis conducted for the city of Ulaanbaatar with 2005 as the base year and particulates as the criteria pollutant. An AQM action plan for year 2020 was developed. A series of management options were analysis following the development of an emissions inventory and dispersion modeling.
SIM 06-2008: Estimating Health Impacts of Urban Air Pollution
This working paper presents a methodology to estimate health impacts - mortality and morbidity - of urban air pollution. A summary of the dose response functions and literature is also presented.
SIM 07-2008: Estimating Road Dust Emissions: Methods & Parameters
Dust 1.01, an excel based tool to calculate dust emissions on paved and unpaved roads, due to vehicular activity.
SIM 08-2008: Co-Benefits: Management Options for Local Pollution & GHG Emission Control
This working paper presents a summary of possible co-benefits of various management options - for outdoor and indoor air pollution.
SIM 09-2008: Air Pollution & Co-Benefits Analysis for Hyderabad, India
This is an executive summary of the analysis conducted for the city of Hyderabad with 2006 as the base year and particulates as the criteria pollutant. A Co-benefit AQM action plan was developed for year 2020 and submitted to local pollution control board.
SIM 10-2008: What is Particulate Matter - Composition & Summary?
SIM 11-2008: Urban Transport in India - Not so Fast for Nano Car
This working paper describe the urban transport - public and private in India and possible implications or benefits of have a small and efficient cars.
SIM 12-2008: DIESEL Program in Bangkok
For details visit - DIESEL Page
SIM 13-2008: VAPIS - Vehicular Air Pollution Information System
This is an explanation for methodology No.1 presented in SIM 02-2008 and an excel based tool to plug and play.
SIM 14-2008: An "Air Quality Management" Action Plan for Hanoi, Vietnam
This is a summary of the AQM action plan for 2020 developed for the city of Hanoi, with 2006 as the base year.
SIM-air - Simple Interactive Models for better air quality @