Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Journal Article - Monitoring Earth's atmosphere with Sentinel-5 TROPOMI and Artificial Intelligence: Quantifying volcanic SO2 emissions

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Journal Article - Inter-annual changes in transboundary air quality from KORUS-AQ 2016 to SIJAQ 2022 campaign periods and assessment of emission reduction strategies in Northeast Asia

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Journal Article - Impacts of On-Road Vehicular Emissions on U.S. Air Quality: A Comparison of Two Mobile Emission Models (MOVES and FIVE)

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Op-Ed - The 100-Year Road to Car Dependency in the US

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Op-Ed - Contamination from flooded industrial sites during major hurricanes is a growing concern

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Op-Ed - What happens when EV charging stations pop up next door

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Op-Ed - Ducks love to eat this climate-friendly food. Now you might, too.

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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Journal Article - Impact of Biomass Burning on Air Quality: A Case Study of the Agricultural Region in South Korea

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Journal Article - Evaluation and updates to the oxidized reactive nitrogen trace gas dry deposition parameterization from the GEOS-Chem CTM

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Journal Article - Historical Trends and Controlling Factors of Isoprene Emissions in CMIP6 Earth System Models

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Journal Article - Unveiling the organic chemical composition and sources of organic carbon in PM2.5 at an urban site in Greater Cairo (Egypt)

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Journal Article - Collaboration between artificial intelligence and Earth science communities for mutual benefit

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Journal Article - The Seasonality of PM and NO2 Concentrations in Slovakia and a Comparison with Chemical-Transport Model

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Op-Ed - Tesco’s new train route takes more trucks off the road

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Op-Ed - Why Hurricane Milton Caused So Many Tornadoes

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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Journal Article - Modeling fuel-, vehicle-type-, and age-specific CO2 emissions from global on-road vehicles in 1970–2020

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Op-Ed - Uncovering divergences and potential gaps in local greenhouse gases emissions accounting and aggregation

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Op-Ed - Innovation in distributed energy services for sustainable development: Case studies from sub-Saharan Africa

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Video - Addressing the Cost of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Op-Ed - Why have hurricanes gone crazy?

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Op-Ed - Electric vehicle battery prices are expected to fall almost 50% by 2026

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Op-Ed - Oil prices may climb higher amid risk of Middle East supply disruptions

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Op-Ed - Can markets reduce pollution in India?

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Op-Ed - China Builds A New Eurasia

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Op-Ed - CCS hype and hopes sinking fast

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Op-Ed - Urban Planning Creators You Should Know in 2024

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Op-Ed - Dramatic images show the first floods in the Sahara in half a century

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Op-Ed Carbon-capture scheme will be UK's white elephant: a terrible mistake costing billions

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Op-Ed - Earth’s ‘vital signs’ show humanity’s future in balance

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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Journal Article - On the biases of MERRA-2 reanalysis and ground-based measurements of black carbon aerosols over India

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Journal Article - Emission inventory of IVOCs from diesel engine emissions in China based on real-world measured data

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Journal Article - Mortality attributable to ambient PM2.5 exposure across regions in China from 2005 to 2020

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Journal Article - Development of land use regression, dispersion, and hybrid models for prediction of outdoor air pollution exposure in Barcelona

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Journal Article - Ship emission variations during the COVID-19 from global and continental perspectives

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Journal Article - A probabilistic framework for identifying anomalies in urban air quality data

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Journal Article - Biogenic volatile organic compounds emissions, atmospheric chemistry, and environmental implications: a review

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Journal Article - Summertime Trends in U.S. Population Exposure to Fine Particulate Air Pollution (PM2.5) from Wildfire Smoke

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Journal Article - The Dublin Declaration fails to recognize the need to reduce industrial animal agriculture

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Journal Article - Efficacy of China’s clean air actions to tackle PM2.5 pollution between 2013 and 2020

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Journal Article - Barriers to Electric Vehicle Adoption in India: A Comparative Review and Future Growth Prospects

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Journal Article - Lower-cost Particulate Matter Sensors Augment Ground-based Observational Capacity: Insights from Highly Polluted, Data-sparse Environments in India

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Op-Ed - How hotter oceans can fuel more intense Atlantic hurricanes

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Op-Ed - How to minimise the risks from overshooting the 1.5C limit

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Op-Ed - Heat stress thresholds are not designed for vulnerable groups

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Op-Ed - Unprecedented peril: disaster lies ahead as we track towards 2.7°C of warming this century

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Op-Ed - ‘Modular Roundabouts’ Offer Quick-Build Traffic Safety Solution

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Op-Ed - Mums stencil air quality warnings on the streets of Manchester

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Journal Article - Mapping PM2.5 Sources and Emission Management Options for Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

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Op-Ed - Al Gore thought stopping climate change would be hard. But not this hard

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Video - Companies and Countries Revising Climate Goals

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Precipitation (rainfall) forecast for the next 3-days (India and the Sub-Continent)

For details visit All India meteorology and air quality forecastsOther parameters include wind speeds, wind directions, surface temperatures, ground-level temperature, and mixing heights. Updated everyday around 7PM IST.

Journal Article - Impact of Meteorology and Aerosol Sources on PM2.5 and Oxidative Potential Variability and Levels in China

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Op-Ed - How much gas does the future grid need?

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Op-Ed - Antarctic sea ice maximum in 2024 is ‘second lowest’ on record

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Op-Ed - Is climate anxiety a pressing problem, or a luxury?

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Op-Ed - Eight Ways To Reimagine Parking Spaces

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Op-Ed - Will push thermal till 2035 to meet power demand, then reverse for net zero (India)

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Op-Ed - Why it’s so hard to tell which climate policies actually work

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Humor in Pollution - Cultural Climate Communication

Humor in Pollution - Mutty Aur Tutty (in Hindi - Soil and Shit)


Thinking Air Purifiers Will Solve Air Pollution Problem is Disingenuous and a Waste of Important Resources

There are many ideas to improve air quality. Some of them have been tossed around for a couple of decades now. An action plan the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) published in 1997 found its way after 20 years into the hands of the Delhi government.

These are not overnight solutions. They include improving infrastructure, urban transport and solid waste management. As a result, it requires patience, long-term planning, interdepartmental cooperation and, most importantly, joint action by all political parties, since the implementation and outcomes can have a considerable time lag. All straightforward – but not simple to pull off.

This is why technological gimmicks that promise overnight improvements without any reduction in emissions, systemic policy changes or infrastructural improvement are bound to be disingenuous, and a waste of important resources. And this is exactly what the multiple proposals to install air purifiers at intersections to reduce ambient air pollution are.

We cannot improve air pollution by sucking pollutants out of the atmosphere. The only way to control pollution is by controlling pollutants entering the atmosphere – i.e. by controlling emissions.

Full article @ theWIRE

Primer on What is Pollution Source Apportionment

Download individual cards and full PDF at https://urbanemissions.info/publications

Infograph - Air Quality in Delhi (Forecasts) - Today/Tomorrow's PM2.5 Pollution Map

More more details visit https://www.delhiairquality.info

Infograph - Air Pollution in Delhi (Forecasts) - Today/Tomorrow's Sources of PM2.5 Pollution

More more details visit https://www.delhiairquality.info
Do you want to see the daily-average PM2.5 pollution map?

Friday, October 04, 2024

Journal Article - What lessons and experiences can be learned from China for practicing low carbon city: A policy instrument perspective

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Journal Article - Mapping irrigation regimes in Chinese paddy lands through multi-source data assimilation

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Journal Article - Investigating the role of photochemistry and impact of regional and local contributions on gaseous pollutant concentrations (NO, NO2, O3, CO, and SO2) at urban and suburban sites

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Journal Article - Open-data-based city-scale gridded carbon dioxide emission inventory: supporting urban carbon monitoring in Chengdu, China

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Op-Ed - Could carbon capture fix climate change?

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Op-Ed - How solar geoengineering could disrupt wind and solar power

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Infographics - UK ditched coal. Here’s what the world can learn from it

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Op-Ed - India’s monsoon rains hit four-year high in boost to crop output

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Op-Ed - Pollutionwatch: Dangers of adding rubbish to home fires

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Op-Ed - Can shaming the world’s worst ‘climate criminals’ save the planet?

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Thursday, October 03, 2024

Data Resource - Atmospheric concentration of CO2 (Weekly summary of data from Mauna Loa)

This image is sourced from Dr. Robbie Andrew @ CECIRO

Accumulated Rainfall (Precipitation) in the last 24 hours - Gridded Daily Totals from Indian Meteorological Department

This image is sourced from Dr. Robbie Andrew @ CECIRO

Visit all India meteorology and air quality forecasts for wind speeds, wind directions, surface temperatures, ground-level temperature, and mixing heights. Updated everyday around 7PM IST.

Resource Material - Air Quality Modelling Tools and Emission Calculators

NCAP Airshed Information

Click here or on the image to access calculators, tools, and support information for emissions and pollution modelling 

Air Quality Index (AQI) in Indian Cities 2015-2023

For more details and access to the data as a CSV file visit India NCAP information repository

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Can We Benefit from Blaming Meteorology for Air Pollution Problems?

Mathematics relates to the “quantification” of the problem. Pollution (in the units of μg/m3) is defined as mass over volume, where mass is the emission load and volume is the amount of air present.

  basics of air pollution 

In the summer months, a higher volume of air means more room for lateral and vertical mixing, and vice versa for the winter months. For the same amount of emissions in all the months, concentrations are bound to be higher in the winter months and lower in the summer months. For “clean air” and lower concentrations, the requirement is either higher inversion layer height or lower emissions. It is next to impossible to alter meteorology; however, reducing emissions should be relatively easy. The infograph below is from "ABC's of Air Quality".

basics of air pollution 

A rendition of Einstein's equation of relativity E=mc2 is for our case is below. Using this equation in a box model or a more complicated version (like an Eulerian equation) in an advanced chemical transport model, we can simulate the influence of the meteorological parameters on local air quality, but that doesn't solve the air pollution problem. We cannot control the wind speeds, wind directions, precipitation rates, or the mixing heights. The only logical way to reduce the right hand side is by altering the emissions on the left side (which will automatically alter the chemistry).

basics of air pollution 

Basic mathematics, physics, and chemistry of air pollution are explained in this publication "Can We Vacuum Our Air Pollution Problem Using Smog Towers?" Box model to study pollution dynamics is available as part of our sim-air family of tools. An older poster on meteorology vs pollution is available here and more similar inforgraphics are available here.

Op-Ed - How Cyprus became a world leader in solar heating

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Op-Ed - A climate scientist criticized his own study. Is he a hero or a villain?

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Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Infographic - UK Coal

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Journal Article - Co-Benefits of Antimicrobial Resistance Mitigation from China’s PM2.5 Air Pollution Reduction Between 2014–2020

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Journal Article - Characterization and Sources of VOCs during PM2.5 Pollution Periods in a Typical City of the Yangtze River Delta

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Journal Article - Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions: Formulation and Evaluation for Ozone and Particulate Matter over the US

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Op-Ed - How air pollution impacts on the brain’s white matter

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Nickel exploration ramps up in Michigan and Minnesota amid rising EV battery demand

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