Monday, September 05, 2011

A Graphic Explanation of "What is Source Apportionment"

Building an effective air quality management system requires a process of continual improvement in knowing where the pollution is coming from and how much each of the sources are contributing to the ambient air quality. The source apportionment techniques are now well established to develop this information for informed decision making.There are two ways in apportioning pollution - (a) A top-down approach starting with monitoring of pollution and (b) A bottom-up approach starting with the activity data (like fuel consumption). Both the methods are well studied and documented. The literature available on these approaches to successfully conduct a source apportionment study is immense. In September, 2011, for the readers, we simplified the explanations, methods available, frequently asked questions, myths, expected results, and on how to consolidate the results from the two approaches, into a graphic document, as part of the SIM-comic book series.

Others in the SIM-air Comic book series
A detailed handbook on source apportionment was published in March, 2011 by the ESMAP program (The World Bank). Download the report and more from "Review of Top-down Source Apportionment Techniques and Their Application in Developing Countries".


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