The air pollution index (API) runs from zero to 500 and divided in categories of "excellent" to "heavily polluted". Readings below 100 are generally considered safe. More details on API, methodology, and an application for US region is available @
Air-NOW program
An archive of API for Beijing, China, from 2004 to current is presented along with a
WSJ article here
Similar efforts are underway to forecast air pollution in Beijing, China, in preparation for
2008 Olympic Games. A daily 3-day forecast of the main pollutants - particulates, sulfur oxides, and nitrogen oxides in Beijing is presented @ Last week, this link was public, but now requires a login and password. Lets hope that this information will be open again.
Some interesting articles and links below
by TIME (May, 2008) -
Airing out Beijing
by BBC (July 16th, 2008) -
Beijing Pollution - facts and figures
by Science Daily (July 17th, 2008) -
Outlook for Air Quality in Beijing is Borderline
by Science Daily (July 24th, 2008) -
During Olympics, Cornell Scientists Will Study Air Quality in Beijing
by Wall Street Journal (July 29th, 2008) -
Beijing Considers New Curbs for Air Pollution Reduction
by NY Times (July 29th, 2008) -
In Beijing, Blue Skies Prove Hard to Achieve
by Guardian (UK) (July 29th, 2008) -
Olympics Environment
by China Daily (July 30th, 2008) -
Haze Doesn't Mean Poor Air Quality
by CNN (July 31st, 2008) -
China Announces Emergency Pollution Plan
by Reuters (July 31st, 2008) -
Confusing "Blue Skies"
Air Quality Measures by Phase
A compilation of air pollution news and information for 2008 Beijing Olympics is available @
Clean Air Iniative for Asian Cities