Monday, September 16, 2024

Video - Climate 101: Ozone Depletion | National Geographic

Inforgraph - Know your air pollutants - Ozone

Access other infographs and full primer here.

Video - Getting Traction with Communicating Air Quality Data

Journal Article - Why communicating air quality information in the simplest form gets more people to understand and get involved in the fight against air pollution

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Journal Article - Multi-year observations of variable incomplete combustion in the New York megacity

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Journal Article - National, satellite-based land-use regression models for estimating long-term annual NO2 exposure across India

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Journal Article - Evaluation of WRF-Chem PM2.5 simulations in Thailand with different anthropogenic and biomass-burning emissions

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Journal Article - Characterization and source identification of PM2.5 during intense haze episodes in an urban environment of Lahore

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Journal Article - Regional source contributions to summertime ozone in the Yangtze River Delta

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Op-Ed - U.K. to Fund ‘Small-Scale’ Outdoor Geoengineering Tests

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Op-Ed - An ‘Unidentified Seismic Object’ Shook Earth for Nine Days—Now We Know What It Was

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Journal Article - Strategies to reduce air pollution emissions from urban residential buildings

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Journal Article - PM2.5 concentrations based on near-surface visibility in the Northern Hemisphere from 1959 to 2022

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Journal Article - Quantifying the impact of urban trees on air quality in Geneva, Switzerland

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Journal Article - The impact of ammonia on particle formation in the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Journal Article - Ambitious nitrogen abatement is required to mitigate future global PM2.5 air pollution toward the World Health Organization targets

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Journal Article - High-resolution geospatial database: national criteria-air-pollutant concentrations in the contiguous U.S., 2016 – 2020

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Op-Ed - This Fire Is Too Close to L.A. for Comfort

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Op-Ed - 2024's unusually persistent warmth

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Op-Ed - Shift to EVs a challenge in India’s gated communities

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Op-Ed - China’s falling iron ore demand is only half the story

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Op-Ed - How a UK government-backed company has fuelled gas power in Africa

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Op-Ed - Great Album Covers with Urban Planning Themes

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Op-Ed - Calls for a voucher scheme to give fairer access to cycling

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Op-Ed - Bath’s Clean Air Zone drives down NO2 by 32%

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Op-Ed - Sport is getting hotter, harder and deadlier

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Journal Article - CO2 emission characteristics of China VI hybrid vehicles

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Journal Article - Statistical corruption in Beijing's air quality data has likely ended in 2012

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Journal Article - A real-time assessment of hazardous atmospheric pollutants across cities in China and India

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Journal Article - Impacts of different vehicle emissions on ozone levels in Beijing: Insights into source contributions and formation processes

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Op-Ed - Scientists Will Engineer the Ocean to Absorb More Carbon Dioxide

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Op-Ed - Small-to-medium scale industries emerging as key growth drivers for India’s natural gas consumption

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Resource Material - Q&A: Why methane levels are rising with no ‘hint of a decline’

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Op-Ed - It’s a big deal if Australia and the Pacific are chosen to host UN climate talks. Here’s why

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Op-Ed - Opinion: Cars Have F@#%ed Up This Country So Bad

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Op-Ed - ‘Flight shame is dead’: concern grows over climate impact of tourism boom

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Monday, September 09, 2024

Op-Ed - Atlantic Hurricane Lull Puzzles Scientists

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Op-Ed - We Must Secure Our Future in a Hotter, More Dangerous World

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Op-Ed - In Germany, The Energy Transition Situation Only Gets Worse

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Journal Article - Methane Emissions Monitoring Using Geostationary Satellites

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Journal Article - Seasonal biogenic volatile organic compound emission factors in temperate tree species: Implications for emission estimation and ozone formation

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Journal Article - An Unusual Winter Ozone Event in Colorado

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Sunday, September 08, 2024

Journal Article - Historical air pollutant emissions and future sustainable pathways of global cement plants

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Journal Article - Opinion: The Impact of AerChemMIP on Climate and Air Quality Research

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Journal Article - The impact of LPG consumption on cooking energy efficiency: Evidence from rural Indian household panel data

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Journal Article - Effectiveness of Precursor Emission Reductions for the Control of Summertime Ozone and PM2.5 in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region under Different Meteorological Conditions

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Op-Ed - C40 Mayors write ‘Letters to Air’

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Op-Ed - New tech can make air-conditioning less harmful to the planet

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Saturday, September 07, 2024

Journal Article - Does the electricity vehicle promotion policy drive Thailand's passenger transport towards environmental sustainability?

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Journal Article - Study of aerosols over the southern region of Pakistan using satellite, reanalysis and model data

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Journal Article - Fine particulate matter and ozone variability with regional and local meteorology in Beijing, China

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Journal Article - Development of Wet Scavenging Process of Particles in Air Quality Modeling

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Op-Ed - Australia has just been handed a map for getting to net zero. Here’s how it will guide us

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Op-Ed - How Cities Are Getting Creative To Reclaim Public Space for People

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Op-Ed - Report calls for gaps in global air quality data to be filled

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Op-Ed - Simple steps to stop people dying from heatwaves

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Friday, September 06, 2024

Infographic - Global Coal Consumption by Region

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Infographic - The World’s Carbon Emissions from Energy Production

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Video - Prospects for reduced emissions using clean ammonia | ICSC Webinars

Journal Article - The urban air quality nexus: Assessing the interplay of land cover change and air pollution in emerging South Asian cities

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Journal Article - The heat-mortality association in Jordan: Effect modification by greenness, population density and urbanization level

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Journal Article - Simulation of hydrogen transportation development path and carbon emission reduction path based on LEAP model - A case study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region

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Journal Article - Modelling of atmospheric variability of gas and aerosols during the ACROSS campaign 2022 in the greater Paris area: evaluation of the meteorology, dynamics and chemistry

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Journal Article - Recommendations on benchmarks for photochemical air quality model applications in China — NO2, SO2, CO and PM10

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Journal Article - Recommendations on benchmarks for chemical transport model applications in China – Part 2: Ozone and Uncertainty Analysis

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Journal Article - PM2.5 estimation and its relationship with NO2 and SO2 in China from 2016 to 2020

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Journal Article - Rapid PM2.5-Induced Health Impact Assessment: A Novel Approach Using Conditional U-Net CMAQ Surrogate Model

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Journal Article - Spatiotemporally Detailed Quantification of Air Quality Benefits of Emissions Reductions–Part I: Benefit-per-Ton Estimates for Canada and the U.S

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Op-Ed - Pedestrians First: Tools for a Walkable City

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Op-Ed - The world is burning an alarming amount of plastic

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Op-Ed - Solar Farms Have a Superpower Beyond Clean Energy

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Op-Ed - Petrol Cars “Rationed to Meet Net Zero Targets”

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Op-Ed - European Union Climate Policy, Dam Removals, and More

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Op-Ed - How Africans can stay cool as the climate warms -- Air-conditioning is only part of the answer

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Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Journal Article - Mapping seamless monthly XCO2 in East Asia: Utilizing OCO-2 data and machine learning

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Resource Material - Second warmest July ends a 13-month record streak

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Op-Ed - The Social Cost of Carbon: Reaching a New Estimate

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Op-Ed - Trends in Extreme Weather, Where Disasters Strike, and More

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Op-Ed - Just 15 countries account for 98% of new coal-power development

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Op-Ed - Climate change has deep historical roots – Amitav Ghosh explores how capitalism and colonialism fit in

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Op-Ed - Half of Uber, Lyft Trips Replace More Sustainable Options

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Op-Ed - Retrofitting Buses: The fast route to cleaner air and electrification

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Op-Ed - America’s New Climate Delusion

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Op-Ed - Why landslides are suddenly tearing homes apart in Southern California

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Op-Ed - Renewables: Are They Really Cheaper?

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Op-Ed - Storm Watch: Trends in Extreme US Weather Events

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Op-Ed - UK’s methane hotspots include landfills and last coalmine

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Op-Ed - The thermodynamics of electric vs. internal combustion cars

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Video - Volkswagen to Shut German Plants for the 1st Time in its 87-yr History

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Journal Article - Description and validation of Vehicular Emissions from Road Traffic (VERT) 1.0, an R-based framework for estimating road transport emissions from traffic flows

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Journal Article - Health impact assessment of port-sourced air pollution in Barcelona

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Op-Ed - How one company’s plan to help the planet went off the rails

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Op-Ed - We mapped weather forecast accuracy across the U.S. Look up your city

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Op-Ed - Making sense of global Air Quality Indexes

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Op-Ed - UAH Global Temperature Update for August, 2024: +0.88 deg. C

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Op-Ed - China is itching to mine the ocean floor

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Monday, September 02, 2024

Precipitation (rainfall) forecast for the next 3-days (India and the Sub-Continent)

For details visit All India meteorology and air quality forecastsOther parameters include wind speeds, wind directions, surface temperatures, ground-level temperature, and mixing heights. Updated everyday around 7PM IST.

Journal Article - Impact of improved representation of volatile organic compound emissions and production of NOx reservoirs on modeled urban ozone production

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Journal Article - Building blocks of change: The energy, health, and climate co-benefits of more efficient brickmaking in Bangladesh

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Journal Article - Constraining Present-Day Anthropogenic Total Iron Emissions Using Model and Observations

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Op-Ed - Dynamic evolution of particulate and gaseous emissions for typical residential coal combustion

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Op-Ed - Clean energy’s next trillion-dollar business

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Op-Ed - As the weight of your car increases, the risk of killing others increases

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Sunday, September 01, 2024

Journal Article - HTAP3 Fires: Towards a multi-model, multi-pollutant study of fire impacts

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Journal Article - Sustainable Urban Transportation in India

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Journal Article - Health co-benefits of post-COVID-19 low-carbon recovery in Chinese cities

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Journal Article - Short-term exposure to fine particulate pollution and elderly mortality in Chile

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Journal Article - Carbon emissions from the 2023 Canadian wildfires

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Journal Article - Impacts of current and climate induced changes in atmospheric stagnation on Indian surface PM2.5 pollution

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Op-Ed - Indonesia’s clean energy sector pins hopes on new regime as ‘ambivalent’ incumbents exit

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Op-Ed - Designing Cooler Cities: Lessons from Ancient Civilizations

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Op-Ed - Planting trees can have immediate health benefits

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Op-Ed - AI is Driving Corporations to Abandon Climate Commitments

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Op-Ed - Offshore Trojan Horses

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Humor in Pollution - Modern Metropolises vs. Anthills

Humor in Pollution - Sea Ice - Now You Don't - A Green Humour Collection

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