Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Monitoring Ambient Air Quality in Indian NCAP City Airsheds

In this SIM-air Working Paper Series # 40-2021, we defined (a) the size of NCAP city airsheds (b) the recommended number of ambient air quality monitoring sites in an airshed (c) the operational sampling frequency to support receptor-based source apportionment studies. These resources are necessary for strengthening the monitoring needs of an airshed to track pollution levels, to conduct receptor-model-based source apportionment studies, and to support long-term air quality management plans.
[Download the full document]
[Download grid & airshed information by city]
[More supporting material is posted here]

Resource Links: Energy, Emissions, & Air Pollution Analysis in India

Here we present a repository of resource links with information directly relevant for energy, emissions, and pollution analysis in India covering

  1. Official national and state level portals; guidelines, acts, and rules documents
  2. Ambient air quality monitoring
  3. Satellite retrievals and tools
  4. Global and regional health impact analysis and tools
  5. Compiled statistics, maps, and other geospatial databases
  6. Compiled databases on energy, emissions, meteorology, and reanalysis fields
  7. Compiled statistics on Indian energy sectors

This list was last updated in January 2021. You can download all the links as a PDF working paper.

Journal Article - Carbon and air pollutant emissions from China's cement industry 1990–2015

Monday, February 01, 2021

Journal Articles - The mortality impacts of current and planned coal-fired power plants in India

Journal Article - Energy and air pollution benefits of household fuel policies in northern China

Journal Article - Clean Air Actions and Air Quality Improvements — Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Surrounding Areas, China, 2013−2019

Journal Articles - Indian annual ambient air quality standard is achievable by completely mitigating emissions from household sources

Journal Article - Residential emissions in Beijing: About 400 × 10^4 tons