Friday, November 05, 2010

Better Air Quality (BAQ) Conference 2010 in Singapore - November 8-11

Better Air Quality 2010 will be held in Singapore from 9 to 11 November at the Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre. BAQ 2010 is organized by the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities in partnership with the National Environment Agency and the Land Transport Authority of Singapore.

A number of side events and training sessions are scheduled on November 8th, 2010

Theme: "Air Quality in a Changing Climate"

This year's theme reflects three key developments:

  • The growing relevance of climate change for air quality management. Climate change is receiving growing international attention and there is increasing evidence that air pollution interacts with climate change. Therefore it is vital to address air pollution and climate change mitigation through integrated policies and projects.
  • The rapid urbanization in Asia that requires a total shift in city planning. Over the next decades, hundreds of millions of people will be added to Asian cities. Rapid urbanization is putting cities under pressure to absorb additional inhabitants while ensuring that the air becomes cleaner, fuel use and carbon footprint are reduced, and cities remain accessible and livable.
  • The changing role of development agencies. Asian countries are developing rapidly economically, and thus are increasingly able to finance their own development. The role of development agencies is changing from being a financier to providing expertise and experience needed by developing countries to build their own capacity in developing their cities, transport systems and industries in a sustainable fashion.

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